Why Enterprises Must Switch to Windows 10

Why Enterprises Must Switch to Windows 10

Many companies are still reluctant to switch from Windows 7 or 8 / 8.1 to the current Windows 10. Because Microsoft has changed its release concept and now brings updates every six months. IT managers fear that they will be overrun by update projects in the future.

But given the announced support end for Windows 7 in 2020, a switch is unescapable. This article explains how an IT organization should proceed once the dice have fallen in favor of Windows 10 – and why you should rely on processes for the “day after” rather than on the LTSB (Long-Term Servicing Branch) version.


According to StatCounter, at the beginning of the year, the worldwide adoption of Windows 10 among Windows users had already surpassed the 30% mark, with its market share of 42,3%. However, this high market penetration primarily comes from the consumer segment: in many companies, IT departments are still reluctant and hesitates the transition to the current version of Windows.


Modern release cycles

Together with Windows 10, the release policy was also modernized in Redmond: Following the example of agile software development, the software house announced a continuous update based on the “Rolling Releases” principle: “Windows as a service” is the goal. Every spring and autumn (“semiannual channel”), there are updates for the Windows 10 variants Home, Pro, Enterprise and – for the education sector – Education. These can contain not only bug fixes but also new features. Thus, the users should benefit constantly from functional innovations and security updates.


Windows automatically downloads and installs updates in the Current Branch (CB) release track, intended for both home and business users. With the “Windows Update for Business” option, administrators can defer security patches for up to 30 days for test purposes, and feature upgrades for up to 365 days. Only the release branch “Long-Term Servicing Branch” (LTSB) maintains the familiar two to three-year interval between operating system iterations.

The half-yearly renewal rhythm, according to Microsoft, should provide development in the company. However, so far many IT organizations have remained suspicious of the expense of migrating to Windows 7 or Windows 8 / 8.1 across the enterprise. The fear: Due to the greatly shortened OS update cycles, one could in the future permanently have to struggle with the updating of the client systems.


LTSB is usually not an option

Officially, LTSB is a specialized edition of Windows 10 Enterprise that promises the longest intervals between feature upgrades of any version of the operating system.

Many IT leader consider the idea of ​​simply migrating all clients to Windows 10 LTSB hoping that the update projects will proceed as usual. However, this approach is not advisable: the approach leads to a dead end!


Because Microsoft has provided LTSB only for those endpoints whose software image permanently remains virtually unchanged, so for example, cash register systems, ATMs, medical equipment or control computer on production lines, as they perform a single important task so it’s more important that these devices be kept as stable and secure as possible than up to date with user interface changes. On the other hand, LTSB is not intended as a release option for office computers – and that sooner or later becomes noticeable.


For example, the LTSB variant does not have the modern, sleek edge browser that Microsoft introduced with Windows 10. This could be dismissed as a detail – but it is an indication that the LTSB channel can always be cut off from the Windows client world. For example, this does not guarantee that the next version of LTSB will work with Microsoft Office 365 as well.

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Process instead of project

So, if staying with the familiar through LTSB is not a viable option, how would an IT department prepare for The Day After? It is important here, above all, to understand the upgrading step in Microsoft’s release policy on the organizational side: the IT department must say goodbye to the OS Migration project and replace it with a “process OS migration”. It needs to establish a standard way to handle the bi-annual update of the client operating system through multiple rollout waves. The individual project must become a set of standard tasks that the client management team can execute.


On an organizational level, change and release management can be oriented towards the standard processes of the Service Management Framework ITIL or alternatively the use of the Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF). Even for Cobit-experienced IT organizations (Cobit: Control Objects for Information and Related Technology), the transition to a standard OS migration process should be easy. In addition, software support is required on a technical level in order to be able to implement the planned processes as highly automated as possible.


Unified Endpoint Management

The standard gole for such automation of regular OS updates today are so-called UEM solutions (unified endpoint management). Endpoint management tools can be called “Unified” if they are able to provide centralized management and control for traditional clients (PCs, notebooks) as well as for modern mobile devices (smartphones and tablets with iOS or Android).


It is important to have such a management functionality covering device classes from a single dashboard in order to avoid de-duplication of management tools. In addition, there are more and more modern devices such as Microsoft’s Surface Pro, the existing boundaries between the traditional device types break. Such hybrid devices are likely to become increasingly common in the future, not least thanks to the Windows 10 introduced management of the modern mobility management layer and the “Universal Apps”, which can be operated depending on the device or preference by touch or keyboard and mouse.


Modern UEM solutions are based on a workflow engine. It allows the IT organization to define processes of UEM tool and then processes automatically. Ideally, a UEM solution allows programming-free creation and customization of workflows through an intuitive graphical interface. Ultimately, even an employee in a specialist department could set their own workflows without having to resort to the help of the IT department.



A state-of-the-art UEM solution not only supports Wipe and Load for OS migration, but also the removal of newly acquired devices, followed by uploading company-owned software images. Likewise, it must support an in-place migration, ie the upgrade of Windows 7 or Windows 8 / 8.1 or an older Windows 10 version while retaining the applications and settings.


Reprovisioningprocess support for which Microsoft has been introduced is no more required.As, a newly procured device is registered with the manufacturer or supplier for the customer company. This way the distributor can deliver it to the end user. He then only has to enter a few key data such as the national language and his company e-mail address; then the new terminal is automatically unrestricted from preinstalled unnecessary software and recorded with the software intended for its user (reprovisioned).


Furthermore, a modern UEM solution must be designed for today’s self-service processes: Once the company’s own software is provisioned, the end user can order desired software packages and services via an Enterprise Self-Service Store IT department. Such an enterprise self-service unites the wishes of today’s users for the self-design of their work environment with the central control of the IT organization, which is absolutely necessary for security reasons as well as with regard to the EU-GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

By means of process orientation and UEM-based automation, the introduction and upgrade of Windows 10 is no longer a mountain to climb, but only a comfortable walk-up hill. At the same time, self-service-based UEM gives IT new freedom to concentrate on its core business: to support the business with efficient solutions.

Privacy Please : How GDPR Will Impact Video Camera Surveillance

The DPA requires organizations to protect any “personal data” that they hold relating to individuals. Personal data is not just restricted to written text; CCTV recordings also fall within the scope if individuals can be identified from them.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) issued its first code of practice under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) covering the use of CCTV in 2000. The code was developed to explain the legal requirements which operators of surveillance cameras were required to meet and promote best practice.


GDPR + cameras law


Since these images contains identifiable individuals,this information can be used to identify these people either directly or indirectly (i.e. combined with other pieces of information), it qualifies as personal data, therefore the GDPR applies. Almost each institutions and bodies have video camera surveillance in operation on their premises, they’ll have to review the law of GDPR.

Placement of Video Camera Surveillance in the workplace, to ensure safety and health, protection of company assets, control of the production process and control of the employee’s work is and remains governed by CTC no. 68, and not by the “camera law”. However, it often happens that only one camera system is used for both personnel and customer surveillance. For example, cameras placed in supermarkets. From 25 may, images of both profile’s privacy will have to be respected.


Until today the placement of a camera was reported in advance to the Privacy Commission, from May 25, 2018, only the police must be informed. For existing cameras, a deadline is until May 25, 2020 to notify police services. Subsequent changes to the CCTV installation (adding a second camera, for example) should also be reported.


The public register maintained by the Commission for the Protection of Privacy therefore disappears but is replaced by an obligation for the person in charge of the CCTV system to keep a written record of the image processing activities of implemented surveillance cameras. This register should be available on request to the police and the Data Protection Authority.

The purpose and the legal source of the management that will have to be specified in the register will most certainly be the surveillance, justified by the legitimate interest of a company to secure its premises.

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Designation of a data protection officer


Data Protection Officer’s designation is mandatory where the basic activities of the controller or processor consist of processing operations which, by their nature, scope and / or purpose, require regular and systematic monitoring to a large extent.

Guarding companies will certainly have to appoint a delegate. Others will need to value whether video surveillance is part of their core business and whether it is done on a large scale. This is especially so since the appointment of a data protection officer will not only concern the processing of camera-surveillance images, but procedures carried out by a company.


Rights of filmed people


The rights offered by the GDPR to the concerned persons will also concern the images filmed about them. This will allow them to access images, have them rectified, erase or limit their processing. They should not motivate their desire to access the images, but only give indications sufficiently detailed to allow the controller to find the images about them.


However, these rights only concern the images on which the person concerned appears. The GDPR cannot be appealed to view images that were recorded before or after the filmed person’s passage. A person who forgets a bag on a station platform will not be able to ask to see the pictures taken after the departure of his train. Similarly, when a robbery took place during the vacation of the owners, only the police can view the cameras of neighboring buildings.

Cyber-Crime : Attackers Have 7 Days To Exploit a Vulnerability

The analysis by Tenable Research shows that cybercriminals have an average of seven days to exploit a vulnerability. During this time, they can attack their victims, potentially search sensitive data, launch ransom attacks, and inflict significant financial damage.

Only after an average of seven days do companies investigate their networks for vulnerabilities and assess whether they are at risk.


The Tenable Research team found that cybercriminals need an average of 7 days to exploit a vulnerability as soon as a matching exploit is available. However, security teams on average only evaluate new vulnerabilities in the enterprise IT network every 13 days.

The evaluation is the first, decisive step to determine the entire cyber exposure in today’s modern computing environments. The term cyber exposure describes the entire IT attack surface of a company and focuses on how those responsible can identify and reduce vulnerabilities. The timing gap means that cybercriminals can attack their victims as they like, while security teams are in the dark about the real threat situation.


The Digital Transformation has significantly increased the number and type of new technologies and computing platforms – from cloud to IoT to operational technology – and has increased the IT attack surface. This changed IT attack surface almost inevitably and leads to a real flood of weak points. However, many companies do not adapt their cyber exposure to the new realities and continue to run their programs in fixed cycles, for example every six weeks. However, today’s dynamic computing platforms require a new cybersecurity approach. Delays are a cybersecurity issue right from the beginning, also because security and IT teams are working in organizational silos. The attackers benefit from this because many CISOs struggle to gain an overview of a constantly changing threat landscape and transparency. Additionally, they have trouble managing cyber risks based on prioritized business risks.


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–       That in 76% of the analyzed vulnerabilities the attacker had the advantage. If the defender had the advantage, it’s not because of their own activities, but because the attackers could not access the exploit directly.

–       Attackers had seven days to exploit a vulnerability before the company even identified it.

–       For 34 % of the vulnerabilities analyzed, an exploit was available on the same day the vulnerability was discovered. This means that attackers set the pace right from the start.

–       24 % of the analysed vulnerabilities are targeted by malware, ransomware or available exploit kits.


Digital transformation has dramatically increased the number and types of new technologies and computing platforms – from the cloud to the IoT to operational technologies. This in turn has led to dramatic growth in the attack surface. The growing attack surface has fueled a never-ending flood of vulnerabilities. Many organizations run their operational programs on a fixed cycle basis (eg every six weeks), which is not enough given the dynamics of today’s IT environment. Attacks and threats are developing at a rapid pace and can hit any business. Effective cyber exposure management with a new approach to vulnerability management helps to adapt security to new IT environments: it is based on continuous integration and deployment and is consistent with modern computing.


The cyber exposure gap cannot be reduced by security teams alone but requires better coordination with the operational business units. This means that security and IT teams gain a shared view of the company’s systems and resources, continuously looking for vulnerabilities, prioritizing and remediating them based on business risk.


The study shows how important it is to actively and holistically analyze and measure cyber exposure across the entire modern attack surface. Real-time insights are not only a fundamental element of cyber-hygiene, but also the only way for companies to gain a head start on most vulnerabilities.

Major Consequences Of Having Poor Data Quality For Your Business

how data powers business opportunities


Organizations are collecting and generating more information than ever before but simply having a lot of data does not make a business data driven. Issues related to data quality maintenance is infecting numerous businesses. IT department which aren’t taking any steps in order to improve accuracy of their data, can lead companies to pay a big price. Generating trusted information isn’t always easy, though.  Nearly half of organizations are already in error due to poor data quality.


Poor data quality can impact organizations in a very negative way by have serious financial consequences. Regulatory fines, monetary losses from bad business decisions, and legal fees resulting from errors can add up to millions of dollars. IBM estimates the total cost, to U.S. organizations only, to be $3.1 trillion dollars annually. Moreover, when it comes to patient or consumer safety, bad data can cost lives.


A qualitative database with complete market information is very useful for the effective generation of new leads and the restructuring of existing one. Results of a campaign must be reflected in the database and information must always be accurate, complete, correct and unique. Yet this is not always the case. During customer contact, organizations too often receive answers such as: “I do not have permission to leak confidential information”, “Cloud applications? No, we do not use ‘and’ I’m not the right person for this conversation ‘. 46% of the organizations sometimes go wrong due to poor data quality, according to research by the New York Times. What price do organizations actually pay for this? I have listed the three most important consequences.


  1. Target-less costs are incurred

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A definite price tag is not linked to bad data quality, but that organizations make costs and miss out on profit is beyond doubt. U.S. organizations think approximately 32% of their data is inaccurate and believe this negatively affects their revenue in terms of weak resources, lost productivity, or wasted marketing and communications spend. Moving companies, changing e-mail addresses and reorganizing organizations. This means that mail is sent to incorrect addresses, e-mails do not arrive, and departments can no longer be reached. The mail is packed, the e-mail is typed, and the phone picked up, but these actions do not yield any results. Wasted time. And time is money.


  1. Sales and marketing without result

If companies work with outdated data, chances are that they do not have insight into who they should approach at which company. People change jobs, retire or come to the streets after a merger or takeover. If the database is not continuously updated and cleaned up with this information, effective customer approach becomes difficult. The right DMU is not available and companies do not get the right person. They do not go any further and even go two steps backwards. The target group is not reached and at the same time they strike a flatter with the potential customer. All this because companies do not have their data up to date.


  1. Reputation damage

As an organization, you want to avoid blunders and with a large arc for possible errors. You do not want to write to companies that are just bankrupt or are seeking contact with people who have already left the company. These missteps make sure that people talks negatively about your organization and that is the last thing you want. In short, get your facts straight. Make sure you do not run towards a wrong direction and avoid the above missteps. Provide a database containing all customer data and refresh them regularly. Only then can companies effectively carry out marketing and sales activities.

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