Legacy System Migration: Should IT spend its time maintaining Legacy Investments?



Everyone knows that legacy systems are bad. Unlike wine, they don’t get better with age. These systems belong to the legacy of past generations of software. Legacy systems, which form the backbone of many enterprises, are holding organizations back from leveraging new digital technologies and creating new experiences for their customers/partners. Many developers wish that they never have to inherit these. Good luck to those who get stuck with maintaining or converting them.


These legacy software systems can still be found in many companies and administrations. While these systems may still meet the requirements, they were originally designed for, they are typically based on old technologies that are no longer common. Since they only partially meet today’s IT requirements, organizations keep facing poor system performance and paying high maintenance costs.


Legacy system migration refers to the modernization of old IT systems to a newer hardware infrastructure or software platform. In companies, the maintenance effort on IT systems is steadily increasing, thus the old systems must be transferred to a connected and up-to-date version with multi-layered architectures. For the IT team, this means an enormous challenge.


According to a study the global application modernization services market size is expected to grow from USD 11.4 billion in 2020 to USD 24.8 billion by 2025. Key factors of this growth are cloud services, rising demand for modern infrastructure to ensure business continuity and focus on transforming and modernizing legacy systems.


Another independent survey, conducted by Boomi, a Dell Technologies company, questioned 825 Enterprise Architects in the EMEA region showed how companies are modernizing ERP applications and how they are coping with the challenges that complex IT environments bring with them. While many companies used their IT budgets to maintain outdated systems in the past, significantly more funds are now flowing into modern solutions. 35% and 33% respectively of the companies surveyed stated that they use their budget to modernize their systems and to innovate. The expenses for maintaining outdated systems are reduced from 70% – 80% previously to around 34%.


“It’s clear that investments in modernizing applications and digital business innovations are increasing. Executives and IT decision-makers will soon recognize the advantages of these investments and further reduce expenses for the maintenance of obsolete technologies”, says Stefan Soerensen, Account Executive at Boomi.


The latest Boomi survey also shows that decision-makers in European companies often face a dilemma: either they invest in the costly and complex process of ERP modernization, or they are overtaken by more innovative competitors. Many organizations find it difficult to modernize or extend their legacy systems in a way that enables them to create an IT strategy that supports the quick adoption of newer technologies such as cloud, big data, IoT, and mobile.


Should IT spend its time maintaining legacy investments or creating new things?


The answer is quite simple, outdated networks and servers no longer meet the needs of companies. Taking the right step and modernizing the legacy is the way forward.

The IT modernization promises cost savings, efficient management of IT infrastructure, efficient utilization of human capital, better security and risk management, enhanced user experience, and last but not the least, a direct impact on competition. Looking at legacy modernization, numerous advantages are associated with it become clear. Once the conversion/transformation phase is over, it becomes clear to what extent the new setup promotes efficient work, especially in logistics, purchasing and sales. This enables your company to concentrate on its core business and to implement your processes and projects even faster and better.


To modernize your legacy IT, it is important to have the right staff. Xorlogics supports you in every step towards the modernization of your legacy system efficiently and without risk. Reach out to our software experts to discuss the steps you can take now to avoid costly rebuilding.



Business Automation & Multi-Cloud Management: Micro and Maxi trends for 2021 and Beyond

iot IoB covid gartner xorlogics

The year 2021 is all about transformation processes, primarily resulted by the exceptional situation we’ve witnessed in 2020. As 2020 caused a major shift in how business and IT teams operate, the development around COVID-19 was and still is a great challenge for all organizations. In addition to classic customer service, IT service, in particular, is confronted with more tasks and service requests. So that the workforce can work productively and quickly, the IT service needs intelligent tools for automation. Many changes have been on the agendas of IT departments for several years and vary from micro changes that affect the big picture to maxi changes that will affect future generations of employees.


In this continuously changing environment, organizations are exploring new ways to operate and drive growth. Each year, Gartner, Inc. releases a series of studies mentioning trends/predictions that will impact the business environment, IT, and technology in the coming years. Here below, we’ve gathered the most relevant trends to the IT automation market to help IT, professionals.


“Hyper automation is irreversible and inevitable. Everything that can and should be automated will be automated.” Brian Burke, Research Vice President, Gartner


  • By year-end 2025, over half of the world’s population will be subject to at least one internet of behaviors (IoB) program (private, commercial or governmental).
  • By 2025, 50% of enterprises will have devised artificial intelligence (AI) orchestration platforms to operationalize AI, up from fewer than 10% in 2020.
  • By 2025, 40% of physical experience-based businesses will improve financial results and outperform competitors by extending into paid virtual experiences.
  • By 2025, half of the large organizations will implement privacy-enhancing computation for processing data in untrusted environments and multiparty data analytics use cases. 
  • By 2024, organizations with IT teams that understand the needs of customers will outperform other organizations’ customer experience metrics by 20%.
  • 2023, 40% of all enterprise workloads will be deployed in cloud infrastructure and platform services, up from 20% in 2020.
  • By 2025, traditional computing technologies will hit a digital wall, forcing the shift to new computing paradigms such as neuromorphic computing.
  • By 2025, most cloud service platforms will provide at least some distributed cloud services that execute at the point of need.
  • By 2025, customers will be the first humans to touch more than 20% of all products and produce.
  • By 2024, organizations will lower operational costs by 30% by combining hyper-automation technologies with redesigned operational processes.
  • By 2024, 80% of hyper-automation offerings will have limited industry-specific depth mandating additional investment for IP, curated data, architecture, integration, and development.
  • By 2024, more than 70% of the large global enterprises will have over 70 concurrent hyper-automation initiatives mandating governance or facing significant instability.




2021: IPA- RPA & AI a Perfect Combination for your Organization

2021 IPA- RPA & AI a Perfect Combination for your Organization


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one of the most popular technologies for automating business processes. In recent years, many companies have decided and introduced RPA to drive process optimization and enabled fast and, above all, efficient automation of their standardized processes. In 2021 the trend towards RPA will not stop, because excellent results are possible with little effort. According to a Gartner forecast, the “global Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software revenue is projected to reach $1.89 billion in 2021, an increase of 19.5% from 2020.


A great advantage of RPA is that it does not require deep integration into different systems, but works via the existing user or desktop interfaces of the respective applications. Also known as the bridging technology, RPA supports the automation of numerous processes and thus lower costs without having to change or replace existing applications. RPA is used, among other things, for repeated data entry functions as well as for downloads and uploads in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) area.


The key driver for RPA projects is their ability to improve and accelerate work process quality. Mimicking rule-based human actions, RPA automates all repetitive manual processes by lowering cost and time while improving quality. However, in this technology, the range of applications is limited by the need for structured data and programmable decision-making. Unstructured data is the main reason why technology is reaching its economic and technical limits. Thus, it becomes more difficult for many companies to find suitable processes for automation with (RPA) after a certain period of use. But this shortcoming can be overcome through the use of artificial intelligence as Intelligent Automation enables companies to take their existing automation strategies to a new level.


In the following, we will show you how artificial intelligence can help RPA bots to become smarter.


RPA and AI are two key technologies on the way to the intelligent automation of processes. Both technologies complement each other perfectly due to their different focus, so that from the user’s point of view they merge into an intelligent automation (IA).

As mentioned above, RPA need structured data as input, from different sources. It’s one of the biggest limitations of RPA. This means that the data must first be viewed, validated, and put into a structured form. If the input data is unstructured / semi-structured, artificial intelligence can be used to convert the data for the robots into a structured converted format.


Where RPA is weak, AI takes over. AI does all the initial work before data is transferred to the RPA. By using natural language processing, AI, extract the relevant data from the available text, even if the text is written in freeform language or if the information in a form looks or is distributed completely different each time. With semi-structured data, the AI ​​is able to extract the data from a document, even if this data is stored in different places on the form, in a different format or only appears occasionally. For example, on the invoices, the date could appear one time in the top right corner and another time in the top left. The invoice may or may not include a VAT rate, etc.


Once trained, the AI ​​is able to cope with this high variability with a high degree of confidence. If it doesn’t know how to process the file on its own, then the AI ​​can assign the task to a human who can answer the question, and the AI ​​, in turn, will learn from this interaction so that it can do its job better in the future.


The second limitation for RPA is that it cannot make complex decisions. RPA bots cannot make decisions based on their gut feeling. They need a clear set of rules according to which they operate. Some decisions are relatively straightforward and can certainly be handled by RPA, especially when it comes to applying rule-based scores to a small number of specific criteria. But if the required judgment is more complex, then another type of AI commonly referred to as “cognitive reasoning”, can be used to aid and improve the RPA process.

“Cognitive reasoning” programs work by mapping all knowledge, such as facts and experience that an expert has about a process in a model. This model, a kind of knowledge map, can then be queried by other people or by robots in order to make a decision or draw a conclusion.


As we’ve seen, RPA can provide some significant benefits on its own, but the real magic doesn’t come into play until the two work together. AI opens up many more processes for Robotic Process Automation and enables a much larger range of processes to be automated, even when complex and well-thought-out decisions have to be made. Everything is positive about this collaboration between RPA and AI: Investing in RPA is absolutely worthwhile. Existing system landscapes can be retained. AI intervenes flexibly and only where processes can be further improved in a targeted manner. A perfect combination of a leading company!




Convention 108:  The European Data Privacy and Protection Day

Data Protection The European Data Privacy Day

Last Tuesday, January 28th, the European (annual) Data Privacy Day, 40th anniversary of Convention 108 &15th Data Protection Day, was celebrated among the global Data Protection community.

After many years of negotiation, the Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data (Convention 108) was open for signature on 28 January, the date on which we now celebrate Data Protection Day. This day of action and information is launched following the initiative of the Council of Europe and aims to raise awareness of the handling of personal data. The focus is on data protection, so that as many companies, authorities, associations and people who deal with data protection as possible become clear about the importance of data protection.


In today’s digital society, user’s personal data is being collected either by companies or by the government. Especially with the emergence of Big Data, governments and businesses are able to collect and process large amounts of data, leaving millions of people unaware and uninformed about how their personal information is being used, collected or shared. Thus, each year a large number of organizations worldwide support this day of action in regard to protect consumer’s fundamental rights and freedom and to sensitize every European for the privilege of protecting their own privacy.


Here below are few tips from on how users can protect their online privacy and devices:


  • Moving through everyday life completely anonymously is next to impossible these days. Whether on the phone, shopping in the supermarket, booking a vacation, visiting the doctor or surfing the web – a lot of personal data is gathered. Partly obvious, but often even without our knowledge. Therefore, if you visit a web page where you have to enter sensitive information, make sure that the address in the browser matches the page you are trying to access. If the URL is a random arrangement of letters and numbers or looks suspicious, do not enter any information.

  • Use a VPN and make sure that you remain anonymous online. A VPN helps you to hide your IP address and gives you anonymous access to the Internet. Even tough your data is visible, a VPN encrypts it entirely, routes your connection through secure remote servers, and masks your IP address. With its protective shield, your online data is difficult to crack and almost impossible to track.
  • Implement a Multifactor authentication (MFA) / Two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA). It’s an authentication method in which a user is granted access only after confirming the identities required of users by combining two different factors: something they know, something they have or something they are. If at least one of the components is missing or incorrectly specified during an authentication attempt, the identity of the user will not be established with sufficient certainty and access to the asset will be protected against identity fraud.
  • Whether smartphone, tablet or PC, you should always have an up-to-date virus protection and a firewall. Windows itself has rudimentary virus protection on board with Windows Defender, which is activated by default. However, it does not always do well in laboratory tests. If you don’t want to afford a full-fledged Internet security suite with a combination of firewall, virus protection and surf protection, you can have something similar cheaper or for free.
  • Connecting on a free WiFi can be attempting for anyone. But we must acknowledge that these networks are not secure enough to use when logging into secure systems or transmitting sensitive information (financial data, credit card numbers, etc.). We must access to this sensitive data via their secure connection at home or enable 4G for a secure connectivity outside.
  • Use a password manager to create secure passwords. A good password management is the key of cyber protection. Access to the applications containing crucial data must be protected with a strong password that contains at least eight characters, among which there must be capitals, low case letters, numbers and special characters. Avoid using same password on multiple applications / websites / online accounts. Instead use a secure password when you visit a new website / application.


The right to the protection of personal data, is a fundamental right laid down in Article 8 of the EU Charter of Fundamental rights and in article 16 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the EU. The right to the protection of personal data may be considered as one of the most important human rights of the modern age. In fact, topics such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine and Deep learning, Internet of Things, Ubiquitous Computing, Surveillance and Data Transfer are examples that demonstrate the need for a right like this. This right also preserves the dignity and self-determination of an individual.




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