Finding the Ideal Cloud Mix for Your Business: Unveiling the Optimal Strategies

Picture this: you’re a business owner, navigating the vast landscape of technology and searching for the perfect cloud solutions to unlock your business’s full potential & bring your company forward. The world of cloud computing offers endless possibilities, but how do you find that ideal mix that fits all your business needs? In this blog post, we’ve gathered the optimal strategies for finding the ideal cloud mix for your business, where efficiency meets flexibility and scalability intertwines with security.


The best cloud mix for your business

When it comes to finding the best cloud mix for your business, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every company has unique needs and requirements that must be taken into consideration. The key is to find a balance between various cloud services that align with your specific goals.


One important factor to consider is scalability. As your business grows, you want a cloud mix that can easily scale up or down to accommodate changing demands. This means choosing providers who offer flexible resources and allow you to add/remove services as needed. Security should also be a top priority when selecting your cloud mix. It’s essential to partner with reputable providers who have robust security measures in place, such as encryption protocols and regular data backups.


Another crucial element is cost-effectiveness. While the benefits of the cloud are undeniable, it’s vital to choose services that fit within your budget without compromising on quality. Look for providers offering competitive pricing models and transparent billing practices.

Integration capabilities are also worth considering when building your ideal cloud mix. You want solutions that seamlessly integrate with existing systems and applications, allowing for smooth workflow transitions and minimizing disruption during implementation.


Don’t forget about support and reliability. Choose service providers known for their excellent customer support track record, ensuring prompt assistance whenever issues arise. Additionally, opt for reliable platforms with minimal downtime guarantees so you can keep operations running smoothly at all times.

By carefully evaluating these factors – scalability, security, cost-effectiveness, integration capabilities, support, and reliability – you can create a customized blend of cloud solutions tailored precisely to meet the unique needs of your business.


How to find the ideal cloud mix for your business

With the increasing popularity and adoption of cloud computing, finding the ideal cloud mix for your business has become crucial. But how do you navigate through the sea of options and find the perfect fit? Here are some strategies to help you make an informed decision.


  • Assess your business needs. What are your specific requirements? Do you need a public, private, or hybrid cloud solution? Consider factors such as security, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Conducting a thorough analysis will give you clarity on what type of cloud mix suits your business best.
  • Consider the expertise required to manage your chosen cloud mix. Do you have an in-house IT team with adequate skills or would it be more feasible to outsource management to a third-party provider? Evaluating the available resources and capabilities will help ensure smooth implementation and ongoing maintenance.
  • Let’s not forget about interoperability. Will your chosen cloud mix seamlessly integrate with existing systems and applications? Compatibility is key to avoiding disruptions in operations during migration or integration processes.
  • Furthermore, take into account data governance regulations that may apply to your industry or region. Compliance with these regulations is essential for protecting sensitive customer information and avoiding legal consequences.
  • Stay updated on emerging technologies and trends in cloud computing. The landscape is ever-evolving, so being aware of new solutions can help future-proof your business’s infrastructure.


Finding the ideal cloud mix requires careful consideration of various factors unique to each organization. By following these strategies tailored specifically for your business needs, you’ll be able to identify a well-suited combination that maximizes efficiency while minimizing risks!



In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, digital transformation has become an essential element for companies. Finding the ideal cloud mix for your business is a crucial decision that can have a significant impact on its success. It requires careful deliberation based on an in-depth analysis of your business requirements.  By understanding the different types of cloud computing and how they can benefit your organization, you can make informed choices that align with your specific needs and goals. Whether it’s public, private, or hybrid clouds, each option offers unique advantages that can enhance your business operations. All you need is to assess your current infrastructure, consider scalability requirements, evaluate security measures, and analyze cost considerations when determining the optimal cloud mix.


Additionally, keep in mind that flexibility is key in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. As technologies continue to advance and new opportunities arise, regularly reassessing your cloud mix will ensure that you stay ahead of the competition and meet ever-changing customer demands. With proper planning and strategic decision-making processes in place, you can create a customized blend of cloud solutions that maximize efficiency while minimizing costs. We at Xorlogics, help companies to embark on their digital journey so they can unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation within their organization!


Tips to ensure a successful cloud project management

In today’s fast-paced business world, successfully managing a project in the cloud can be a game changer. With the power of cloud computing at your fingertips, you have access to an array of tools and resources that can help streamline your project management efforts and drive better outcomes. But where do you start? Let’s take a deep dive into what it takes to manage a successful cloud project from defining scope to communicating with stakeholders and everything in between.


  1. Defining the scope of the project

Defining the scope of a cloud project is critical to its success. It sets the boundaries for what will be included in the project and determines what resources will be necessary to complete it. To get started, you need to identify your goals, objectives, and deliverables. This involves breaking down the project into smaller tasks and outlining each component’s specific requirements. Once you have established these parameters, it’s essential to define any limitations or constraints that could impact your ability to meet your goals, such as budgetary restrictions or time frames. Engage with stakeholders early on in this process so they can provide input and feedback on their needs and expectations for the project. Keep an open mind during this stage; flexibility is key when defining a project’s scope. By taking these steps upfront, you’ll set yourself up for success by ensuring everyone involved is working towards a common goal with clearly defined parameters that align with business objectives.


  1. Estimating the resources required

Estimating the resources required is a crucial step in any cloud project management plan. It involves identifying and quantifying all the necessary resources to complete the project successfully.

Firstly, it’s essential to determine what kind of resources are needed for the project, including personnel, hardware, software tools and licenses. The number of team members required should be estimated according to their skill sets and experience levels.

Secondly, it’s important to consider timeframes for each phase of the project as well as deadlines for delivery. This will help allocate appropriate amounts of time for different tasks and ensure that everyone involved knows precisely when they need to deliver.

Thirdly, budgeting plays an integral part during this stage; it allows you to calculate how much money is available per resource category which ensures cost-effectiveness throughout your operations.

Keep in mind that estimating resources can sometimes be challenging because unforeseen circumstances may occur – such as unplanned changes or delays – so always build a contingency plan into your calculations.


  1. Scheduling the project

Scheduling the project is one of the most critical aspects of successful cloud project management. It involves breaking down the project into smaller tasks, estimating their duration and dependencies, and setting a timeline for completion.

When scheduling a cloud computing project, it’s essential to involve all team members in creating realistic timelines. This ensures that everyone understands what needs to be done and when it should be completed.

An effective approach to scheduling is using agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban. These frameworks allow teams to work on smaller deliverables within short sprints or iterations while continuously testing and improving the product.

It’s also crucial to consider any potential roadblocks that may affect the schedule. Be prepared with contingency plans in case unexpected issues arise during development. Monitoring progress against scheduled milestones regularly helps avoid delays and keep everyone accountable.

Proper scheduling can make or break a cloud project’s success. By involving all stakeholders in creating realistic timelines, utilizing agile methodologies, considering potential roadblocks, and monitoring progress closely throughout development will increase your chances of delivering projects smoothly on time!


  1. Managing risks

In every project management, there are risks that you need to manage. Managing risks is an essential part of any cloud computing project as it can significantly impact the outcome. One way to manage risks effectively is by identifying potential issues and developing a plan for how to address them.

During the initial stages of your project, identify all possible risks that may arise during its course. You can do this by reviewing past projects and analyzing industry trends.

It’s also important to define who is responsible for managing each specific risk in your team and establish communication channels so everyone involved knows what steps they need to take if something goes wrong.


  1. Monitoring progress

Monitoring progress is a crucial aspect of managing any cloud project. It involves tracking the status of tasks, evaluating how well they are being executed, and identifying areas that require improvement. This helps the team stay on track and ensures that deadlines are met.

One effective way to monitor progress is by using key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs provide a measurable value that indicates how well the team is progressing toward its goals. They help identify potential issues early on so that corrective action can be taken before it’s too late.

It’s important to remember that monitoring progress isn’t about tracking metrics and numbers but understanding the bigger picture as well. A good project manager knows when something is off-track even if there aren’t specific metrics indicating so.


Final thoughts

Successful cloud project management requires careful planning, coordination, and execution. With the help of cloud computing technology, businesses can streamline their project workflow and achieve better results than ever before. By defining the project scope, estimating resources, scheduling tasks, managing risks, monitoring progress, and communicating with stakeholders effectively – businesses can ensure that their projects are completed on time and within budget. Cloud computing has emerged as an essential tool for modern-day project management. It enables teams to collaborate remotely in real time while providing a secure environment for data storage and sharing.

As more businesses continue to adopt cloud-based solutions for their project management needs, it’s crucial to stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in this field. By doing so, companies can gain a competitive edge by improving productivity levels while reducing operational costs simultaneously.

In conclusion (just kidding!), investing in cloud-based tools is undoubtedly a step towards success when it comes to managing your projects efficiently. The key lies not just in adopting modern technologies but also being agile enough to adapt them according to your business requirements. So go ahead – take advantage of what cloud computing offers today!

Data Encryption and Protection in the Cloud

European companies that want to remain competitive have a legitimate demand for cloud solutions. At the same time, these same companies fear unauthorized access to their sensitive data. Businesses are going through the ongoing struggle to keep sensitive data secure. As remote work increases, employees now work freely with each other, as well as with contractors and partners. However, this freedom to collaborate also means that information is shared between devices, applications, and networks over which the company does not necessarily have control.


Many decision-makers are also discouraged from the existence of data protection laws and regulations such as the NIS Directive or the EU-DSGVO/GDPR. How fortunate to have to deal with problems that can be easily solved for a change. Data protection in the cloud is one of them. Although data in the cloud is often stored abroad, this data storage is the safest option for companies to store files in compliance with the GDPR when encrypted!


The lack of knowledge about cloud responsibility shows that many companies do not sufficiently consider the data protection requirements of third parties. Often critical data is not protected from ransomware attacks and data loss. And many organizations have lost data because they solely relied on their CSPs’ solutions and backup tools. It’s been shown that the providers’ current offerings do not meet most of the company’s security needs.


Growing amounts of data flexibility & scalability have made the cloud increasingly popular as a data storage medium. The advantages are obvious: the files hardly need any local storage space, the cloud is highly available and the data can be accessed from any remote location.


Many programs use the cloud as data storage or backup without the customers being aware of it. This happens when synchronization is set by default or when the program is specially designed for cloud use. This is the case, for example, with Microsoft Office, Dropbox, and Google Docs. Particular attentiveness is required when using collaboration tools, software such as Microsoft Teams enables the simple exchange of messages and files. Users are used to practical desktop applications and have forgotten: data is sent to the cloud servers that are beyond the control of whoever owns the data. This is at the root of a serious privacy problem: loss of control.


Reservations about the cloud relate primarily to the lack of data protection. Despite this, too few companies are still taking the initiative. Countermeasures are only slowly being implemented. As a result, the number of data leaks continues to increase every year. A total of 108.9 million accounts were breached in the third quarter of 2022, a 70% increase compared to the previous quarter. According to ENISA, 57% of SMEs who experience a cyber-attack have to close their business operations as a direct result.

Many companies are aware of their security problems. But too few actively take care of the solution. Security measures, data protection laws, and compliance requirements are only as good as their implementation along with data encryption.


Encryption is effective when files are still encrypted on the device on which they are created or edited. In this way, the information is protected during transmission to the cloud and during the entire storage period. You can use it to ward off attacks by ransomware and leakage and protect yourself from access by the cloud provider or foreign authorities. To ensure data is protected and productivity remains high, organizations need an integrated, cloud-based approach to cybersecurity. Standard encryption algorithms and a transparent open-source basis guarantee mathematically complete and correct encryption.


High-quality encryption software fits seamlessly into existing workflows. This additional layer of protection is also ideal for backups. The motto of secure cloud use is therefore to stay in control. Encryption is an effective measure of this.

TOP IT Trends for 2023

Undoubtedly, COVID-19 was biggest push for many companies to accelerate with their digitization. In 2022 already many business processes are largely handled digitally and corporate data increasingly form the basis of business success. In order to continue to ensure their business success, in 2023 companies will increasingly deal with sustainability, their multi-cloud strategy and cyber-protection.

The market research company Gartner assumes that spending on on-premises and cloud services will be accelerated by 2025, with the cloud taking on the higher share vs traditional IT. After covid19, the two main reason of this dramatic shift are issues related to the supply chain and climate related issues.


Multi & Hybrid Cloud:

With more and more services migrating from on-premises to the cloud, the multi-cloud in particular is now gaining in importance. There are many reasons that speak in favor of a multi-cloud strategy when selecting cloud tools: If services from several cloud service providers are used, costs can be saved, the risk of application failures are reduced and certain types of GDPR requirements are respected. Furthermore, many companies attach importance to choosing the most suitable platforms for specific processes, ensuring scalability and not being exclusively dependent on one provider. It also provides the necessary overview of a wide range of management functions and data services. Since multi-cloud environments represent a larger attack surface for various threats, the development of a suitable IT security strategy is also much more complex. To ensure that potential security gaps do not arise in the first place, a comprehensive top-down security strategy should be implemented.


Sustainable Cloud

More and more companies are emphasizing on the reduction of their environmental impact. By demanding relevant and reliable evidence from their cloud suppliers, IT buyers are paying making more and more sustainable choices. Various studies indicate that cloud-based solutions can lead to significant CO2 savings. All leading hyperscalers (providers of cloud platforms such as Amazon/AWS, Microsoft/Azure, Google/GCP) are constantly working on energy-efficient data centers and on the most efficient resource allocation possible in order to reduce their energy consumption. IT that lives up to its responsibilities can make a significant contribution to a net-zero world. Sustainable IT focuses on the growing energy consumption of the entire IT value chain in an environmentally-oriented approach.


Lack of IT staff

The digital transformation is a constant challenge for the worldwide companies. The IT personnel market is tense due to a lack of specialist staff, which can impact companies’ efforts towards digitization. Companies cannot remain successful in the global market without specialists with in-depth IT & cloud knowledge. And the fact that the future is hybrid & multi-cloud, companies are concerned about the lack of qualified staff. The necessary skills cannot be acquired overnight. An increasing demand for software developers, service desks and administrators for information technology as well as experts for data security and business intelligence will be recorded in 2023.


Robotic Process Automation

Considering the general shortage of skilled workers and economic and geopolitical uncertainties, technologies are favored that are easy to use and produce a measurable gain in efficiency. Less administration, more productivity – this is the motto for the use of automation technologies in day-to-day activities. RPA software robots can imitate the actions of humans on the computer and thus carry out rule-based and repetitive tasks flawlessly and without a break. Thanks to the latest improvements in data entry and symbol recognition, many manual tasks can be done by robots. According to Gartner, the global robotic process automation market was estimated at USD 2.09 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 33.3 billion by 2023 due to the growing trend of cloud-based solutions and the increasing adoption of robot-based solutions across various end-user industries.

Hybrid Cloud Management : Where may companies go wrong in cloud storage strategies.

The advantages of the cloud, including lower capital costs, a high level of scalability and agility, business efficiencies or competitive advantages are quite compelling. Not so long ago, it was even predicted that companies would move their entire IT infrastructure to the cloud and leave nothing on-premises. As expected, that never happened. Instead, many companies have opted for a hybrid approach, a combination that brings together both cloud and on-premises. It’s noticed that often the management of hybrid cloud infrastructures gets challenging for organizations, whether its when it comes to compliance with strict regulatory requirements and legal provisions or the issues related to IT security, the move to cloud becomes a difficult choice to make. Known challenges of hybrid cloud management that companies face are listed below.


It seems that while many companies have made a long-term decision that “the cloud” is the future, they have since been disappointed by IT manufacturers and suppliers regarding the migration process. Many technology vendors have not made a conscious move toward cloud, meaning their older solutions are not cloud-ready and their newer ones are often cloud-only. This makes the transition very difficult for the companies as it involves a sudden cut in the operating, utilization and cost model.


Retrieving data from the cloud is expensive thus cloud storage becomes more expensive than companies initially assume when implementing it. Organizations must first understand what they expect from the data stored in the cloud. If they want to enable granular recovery, analysis and management of this data, then there are more aspects to consider than just moving data in bulk from on-premise storage. It’s all about the ‘’data’’, so cloud data management is key – regardless of the platform.


Cloud storage may lead to a lack of transparency regarding hardware and operations if hardware visibility isignored. There has to be some kind of gateway to the cloud. This needs to be an intelligent device that owns and understands the metadata of the content residing in the cloud. If this solution is not robust and intelligent, the company will be blind to the content. As for the hardware used in the cloud, usually the provider will takescare of that. Most major cloud storage solution providers have robust and scalable solutions that can be trusted. Also inadequate security processes can lead a well-designed cloud initiative into a disaster. Often the cloud providers also operate an integral risk management system so that it can measure and derive risks for customers.


If data is growing at very high levels, most likely the cloud storage is a sustainable model. The simple economies of scale mean that the cloud is always cost-effective when used properly. A mix of on-premises and public cloud enables a very scalable and cost-effective approach to large-scale storage. Thus, whenorganizations have these controls in place, managing a hybrid cloud is easy.

The future lies in using a cloud data management platform that is independent of the end storage environment. When organizations have an in-place solution for holding the metadata, the final location of the data is almost irrelevant as long as it meets security and reliability requirements.


The increasing complexity of enterprise networks with their heterogeneous mix of cloud and on-premises technologies & security systems are considered one of the main hurdles for companies. Xorlogics offers companies a holistic solution for their cloud implementation and aids them to move forward with their public and hybrid cloud strategies at different speeds. Our motto is to help companies to meet all business requirements and to keep their company competitive over the long term. One should not underestimate the importance of an experienced team and proven solutions for teh right cloud adoption, integration & migtation.

Hybrid working models : What are the main challenges for companies?

The outbreak of the corona pandemic made the home office, remote work and hybrid working models the new normal. Even though the covid situation is under control, many people continue to work from home, especially as this model is increasingly supported within companies. However, employees complain about many unsolved problems in everyday work. The switch to remote work and the entire implementation of digitization measures are essential for long-term.

IT professionals have already shown over the past year how the technology use may automatically make working from home practicable. Now they must demonstrate how the flexible technology can link office workers with remote workers so that the same level of productivity may be attained regardless of location while saving on business costs. Here below are the main challenges faced by organizations in their adaption of remote work.


Appropriate working devices and digital tools: Technology enables companies to act and react flexibly. Hybrid-work requires that employees are equipped with the necessary digital tools and applications to work productively. Thus, many businesses have traditionally resisted purchasing laptops and other mobile devices like tablets in favor of more affordable desktop PCs due to cost concerns. In many companies, even when laptops are available, they frequently do not have the set up required for working outside of the office, including the proper drivers for peripheral devices as well as security settings and connections to the company network. An integrated IT infrastructure and the interconnectivity of the systems are the key to successful remote work. The home office also frequently lacks printers or monitors. Employees’ dissatisfaction with the working environment at home or while traveling – assuming they aren’t able to work 100% remotely at all – is therefore understandable. Companies must ensure providing employees with hardware that works so the productivity level and the best of both worlds can be achieved.


IT security: Security is often cited as the main reason why companies hesitate to establish a hybrid working model. Remote work devices often lack security components such as firewalls, proxy servers or patch management that protect the internal network from attacks and data loss. Companies are taking big risks in terms of their data security and data protection if employees use their own devices for work, which are less secure when working on the go than a computer inside the company’s perimeter. In order to control and eliminate all security risks companies need a comprehensive security architecture that ranges from protection and segmentation of the network to identity and access management including encryption and endpoint security.


Team collaboration and communication: When it comes to hybrid work, it must be always ensured that all employees – no matter where they are – can work together efficiently and that a smooth communication and exchange is guaranteed. Upgrading to a modern communication system that works via the cloud brings many advantages. The changeover is straightforward, and the new communication system makes it easier for employees to communicate both internally and externally. Companies that offer hybrid work can also benefit from various hybrid workplace communication tools to help employees with their different needs in order to speed up work, create better team connections, and remove diversions. CIOs must therefore rethink communication concept by taking digital tools into account. It’s all about creating a seamless experience for all employees, enabling them to reach their full potential both remotely and in the office alike.


Technical support: Employees working from hybrid locations must be able to rely on the fact that an experienced contact person for technical support is always available. Regardless of whether it is an external service provider or an in-house IT department: It is also important to maintain the end devices by updating the software running on them. Many companies cannot cope with the challenges of the new normal world. If the problems cannot be solved internally, it is advisable to outsource certain tasks to external service providers. By outsourcing hardware provisioning & planning technical support, operational efficiencies increase.


The pandemic gave companies the opportunity to redefine work environments and conditions. They should therefore consider what current and future work environments can look like and what investments are necessary so that employees can work in the best possible way, regardless of location. In order to ensure that a hybrid working model is formed in the organization and that employees can flexibly divide their working hours between the office and the home office, the IT department should collaborate closely with management and the learning and development teams.


Hybrid Cloud and its advantages

Enterprise Hybrid Cloud is the Choice for the Future

The hybrid cloud combines both public and private clouds. The aim of the hybrid cloud is to offer an elevated level of security by combining both clouds.

You can continue reading to find out what additional opportunities the hybrid cloud provides.


  • Flexible access to data

Customers can exploit the hybrid cloud solutions to access their data for free, just like with the public cloud. Take the free email services, for instance. The public cloud is used to access these. This model provides capacity for storage and computational power for business data and software such as Office. The benefit is that a company’s personnel may access the data from any location. Most hardware and software may be saved by businesses, which also eases the stress of managing IT. Additionally, it ensures that workers have access to the most recent software updates.


  • Scalable computer capacities

Hybrid clouds may be tailored for users, just like public clouds. Only with a few clicks, the cloud can be altered. Companies may boost their computer capacity on demand by using the cloud. This increase is perfectly adaptable to particular situations since it is possible to reduce it again. Only the duration that the extra capacity is actually used is invoiced.  A public cloud may be set up and maintained with extraordinarily little technical IT expertise. You may quickly and simply incorporate the public cloud into your business.


  • Enhanced security

High levels of security are one of the biggest benefits of a private cloud. It allows access to sensitive corporate information and corporate applications to a limited audience via protected lines. Providing increased protection against unauthorized users and external parties. Within the network, the data is kept in a centralized location. Storing and removal are fully under the company’s control and supervision. Additionally, internal network synchronization is quicker than Internet synchronization.


  • Advanced IT Services

Cloud services offer small firms the opportunity to use sophisticated, high-quality IT applications that were traditionally mainly accessible to large organizations, with very little effort and at a cheap cost. You may release resources while also gaining a significant competitive edge with the help of cloud services. This increases both the ability to innovate and the concentration on the core business.


  • Always up to date

Since public cloud providers always give consumers the most recent functionalities, cloud computing provides a strong and constant IT infrastructure.


  • Hybrid work models

Working from any place is becoming an increasingly popular practice. This is no longer an issue because the hybrid cloud allows access from everywhere. You may access cloud data from any location, including your home, business, or from your vacations, as long as you have an internet connection and a laptop with you. As remote implementation of cloud solutions is comparatively simple, the setup can be done without you being physically present. The ability to conduct training in person is also made possible by increasing the use of video conferencing and collaboration technologies and improved standards.



There is currently growing interest in hybrid cloud models that combine on-premises and off-premises resources and thus offer the cost efficiency of a public cloud and the flexibility of a private cloud for the implementation of company requirements. Thanks to the hybrid cloud Companies are able to distribute workloads across the different clouds at the best price by gaining transparency in their hybrid cloud and ensuring consistent data management. However, the implementation of such a hybrid cloud strategy always requires an approach that has been thought through down to the last detail. This is the only way to ensure sustainable and long-term success.

Backup as-a-Service: Ultimate solution of Data security for the cloud Era

In the past two years, the corona pandemic has forced many companies to adapt remote work. Since then, a significant number of employees have been working from home. IDC predicts that by 2023, 60 percent of all enterprise data will be generated by remote workers. At the same time, the threat situation in terms of cyber security has intensified. Ransomware attacks increased by 80 percent between February 2021 and March 2022. While cybersecurity has long been a critical concern, it is now more important than ever for organizations to take effective security measures.


In order to access all office resources from home, employees have changed or modified firewalls and access points. As a result, since most of the data is generated outside of the corporate firewall, it creates a greater exposure. The number of ransomware attacks on software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications have also increased. And while these services generally have security features, cybercriminals can gain access through a user’s compromised operating system. Giving the possibility to the attackers to attack the cloud services themselves.


Companies must equally consider the three pillars of data security: confidentiality, integrity and availability. But how can you protect your organization and still enable the staff to exchange information safely? Confidentiality ensures that information is only accessible to authorized persons. Integrity ensures that information remains unchanged throughout its life cycle. Availability makes sure that information is accessible within a certain period of time. Together with the concept of traceability, these aspects are the basic criteria for information security.


Security is not a singular activity, it is an ongoing process and it is crucial for companies to be aware of this fact. Cybersecurity success for organizations that are proactive and only take basic security measures to protect their data has typically had limited success. IT environments must be routinely monitored so that anomalies can be identified quickly and appropriate countermeasures can be initiated in the event of an actual attack. All companies and institutions should also have the capability and services to be prepared for recovery in the event of data loss due to a ransomware attack.


However, for many organizations, their current backup solutions are either not up to date, either ineffective or costly. Most of the time their data is stores on-premises on a local server, making the storage often too slow and requiring a lot of maintenance along with carrying the risk of data loss.


Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) is a modern alternative to this traditional backup approach. BaaS, also known as online backup or cloud backup, is a way to store data remotely in the cloud and outsource the management of data infrastructure and services assistance to a service provider. A BaaS solution eliminates the traditional storage methods as it runs on cloud-based storage. Using Backup as a Service enables organizations to eliminate capacity overprovisioning and long CapEx (capital expenditure) purchase cycles and move to subscription based OpEx (operating expenditure) pricing. Equally significantly, it allows organizations to free up resources dedicated to infrastructure management to focus on more strategic tasks. This makes BaaS the ideal solution for companies that have limited or no IT infrastructure of their own.

 Backup as a Service Ultimate solution of Data security for the cloud Era

BaaS can connect systems to a private, public, or hybrid cloud environment, depending on the organization’s existing backup strategy. The data is then managed exclusively by the external provider. Companies that use BaaS solutions only pay for the services of an external company.


The main advantage of BaaS compared to traditional (on-premises) data protection solutions is its ease of administration. By storing the data in a cloud backup solution, there is no need to manually move the data to external locations and regularly swap out the hardware, such as hard drives. Thus, it eliminates the need for physical components of data protection, such as tape drives, servers and other hardware elements. These are expensive, high-maintenance and only have a limited lifespan. The shift to opex takes the headache out of capital expenditures and upgrades with simple subscription-based pricing. As a result, a company can save significant resources and have more time to focus on business processes and its core business and thus on generating profits.

The respective cloud provider is responsible for maintaining the cloud infrastructure. Data stored in the cloud does not have to be transported either. As a result, organizations save on storage media, transporting that media to remote locations for safekeeping, and the costs associated with managing backup systems. For this reason, BaaS is also much more cost-effective.

The multi-level redundancy of a BaaS solution also offers companies a higher level of security when restoring data. This is because BaaS stores multiple copies of data in independent locations. If data is lost or deleted, the backups are easy to find and the information can be quickly restored, allowing the business to get back to business as usual in no time.


Another benefit is that certain BaaS providers offer what is known as data compliance service to comply with government regulations. These include the right to erasure and the ability to remove data along with the full content index. This feature further includes a range of ransomware protection features and provides complementary processes and services to enable users to secure data from any cloud environment.

Cloud-based backup solutions require less maintenance and are more cost-efficient, as well as more secure and reliable, and are therefore clearly the better alternative. As a result, investing in on-premises backup is no longer advisable for most businesses. Rather, they should focus on BaaS solutions in order to increase their level of protection and quickly regain access to their data in the event of a ransomware attack.

Best practices to avoid Cloud Migration hidden & indirect Costs

Cloud computing has transformed the way companies around the world do business in ways that many people don’t even realize. Cloud and cloud computing are long-running and the demand for infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service is booming. Nevertheless, multiple reports show the pitfalls of cloud migrations from entire infrastructures or application landscapes. In multiple cases, a cloud migration from planning to go-live can take up to two years. The pitfalls of cloud computing lie in subtle elements such as different billing modalities of cloud providers and technical defaults in their own IT infrastructures. These elements can quickly destroy cost advantages unless IT specialists within the company do their homework and guard themselves against evil surprises.

From the experience that Xorlogics has gained in its projects regarding cloud migration, five essential recommendations emerge that are decisive for the success or failure of cloud migration.


  • There’s a common misconception among IT managers in small and medium-sized businesses that the public cloud inevitably cuts costs and generates the best returns. All investment decisions should be fundamentally based on facts, instead of relying upon one’s gut feeling. The actual costs of public versus hosted private cloud must be studied in detail. Most companies and private IT users now rely on the ubiquitous cloud – both at home and at work. The pros and cons of the cloud are well known. But the hidden costs can sometimes become very painful. It’s particularly important for decision-makers in companies to carefully check the front end to avoid unpleasant surprises later.
  • When it comes to the in-depth planning of when and which workloads should be migrated to the cloud, the existing managed contractual obligations that are connected to the existing data center are overlooked. This begins with rental contracts and ongoing depreciation of the hardware as well as their maintenance and support contracts. It is therefore important to use the terms to clarify the total costs of such on-premises contracts in advance, which accumulate in parallel to cloud operation. This enables a realistic cost-benefit calculation of the migration to the cloud and eases the decision of which steps and in which order the changeover should take place.
  • Most public cloud providers can meet all common cloud requirements from a single source. The costs and services vary, however, and relying on a single cloud provider can be very risky. Instead of relying on one provider, a multi-cloud environment is beneficial for the long term. According to a study by Accenture, out of enterprises that have already moved to the cloud, 93% have adopted a multi-cloud  environment that promises data security for companies by encoding data with specific techniques and distributing it across different clouds for greater protection against hacker attacks and data loss. Companies – willingly or not- are confronted with the requirements to adopt multi-cloud management. Those who are technically and organizationally prepared with appropriate solutions, experts and processes avoid cost traps – for example through workload analyses for better forecasts, rightsizing and the optimization of costs, the active use of the elasticity of cloud capacities for load peaks, or through monitoring unused services or anomalies in consumption identified.
  • Alignment of IT resources with their cost can determine the profitability and allocation of cost per department or user. When estimating costs and planning budgets for cloud services, it is essential to understand how individual cloud providers measure the use of their resources and which criteria are used for billing – this ranges from hourly billing for the use of individual instances to costs based on data volume and outgoing data traffic in gigabytes per month, with different commitments. This means that companies should study in detail which cloud capacities, in which qualities, and over which periods of time, the various phases of cloud migration, must be planned.
  • Of the many possible expensive changes for cloud migrations, two should be particularly highlighted, which can be avoided in advance by careful examination. The first one is the popular “lift & shift” approach, in which applications and data are transferred to the cloud quickly, without any adjustments. A cheap way that can lead to an unexpected cost explosion, such as the costs of the public cloud infrastructure & architecture adjustments for the cloud, followed by the considerable project planning effort. Another cost factor can arise from old systems or legacy systems, which for technical reasons cannot simply be migrated, but which must be kept with their data – mostly for legal reasons. The result: On-premises resources cannot be switched off to the planned extent and continue to burden IT budgets.

Understanding the difference between several types of cloud computing and identifying which one is the right fit for a growing business is tremendously important. The implementation of cloud strategies is associated with a complex interplay between consumption and costs, which is characterized by various technical and economic variables that change dynamically. Therefore, the IT and financial teams must work together to monitor all processes and systems that should be implemented at the same time as cloud migration. Some companies may not be used to this at first, but it helps sustainably to realize the optimal economic added value from cloud initiatives.


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Green #CloudComputing: An energy-efficient Technology and Sustainable Business Model

In the ear of digitalisation, more and more companies are looking for sustainable technologies to support their new post-covid business models. The cloud is playing a huge role in this transformation project because it combines two important corporate goals: digitization and sustainability. With an increased pressure to addressee environmental and sustainability problems, IT executives are looking to the cloud to meet business needs while decreasing their impact on the environment. Cloud enables the quick and easy exchange of information via a single platform, it allows companies to use resources more efficiently and to develop sustainable strategies on the basis of data.


From a technical point of view, companies can better achieve their goals in the area of ​​climate protection and sustainability by moving to the cloud. A survey conducted by 451, in which more than 300 companies with their own data centers in Germany, France, Ireland, Sweden and Spain participated highlighted that European companies could reduce their energy consumption by almost 80 percent by moving their workloads from on-premises to the cloud.


The CO2 footprint can also be significantly reduced with cloud technologies. According to the study, a data center with an energy consumption of one megawatt (assuming an electrical load of 30 percent) can reduce pollutant emissions by more than 1,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year. This corresponds to removing up to 500 cars from roads or offsetting 50 average households in Europe. If the energy source is 100 percent renewable, it can reduce the CO2 emissions of an average workload by up to 96 percent. Cloud computing can thus help companies to achieve their ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) goals more quickly.


The use of big data analysis, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) in the cloud also leads to cost savings, energy efficiency and growth. AI in particular is considered a key element for sustainable business models. A study by the ITIF (Information Technology & Innovation Foundation) shows that innovations can be implemented faster and more cost-effectively with it. The flexibility, agility and scalability of the cloud enables companies to develop sustainable, environmentally friendly products or services – such as solutions that make emissions transparent.


But the cloud is not only much more energy-efficient than conventional data centers. The internal data centers are not always fully utilized, but they still consume constant energy. Virtual servers, which can store and process up to 20 times more data, can be used by multiple organizations at the same time. The cloud not only saves enormous amounts of energy resources, but also the cooling energy of physical devices.


Cloud also enables companies to aggregate and analyse data across all departments and across the entire supply chain – including information on the ESG initiatives of suppliers, partners or third parties. Companies can use the results, for example, to analyse how planned changes will affect energy efficiency and CO2 emissions in the supply chain. The analyses also simplify the obligation to provide evidence to regulators, investors and general transparency – a factor that today’s customers are increasingly demanding.

Thus, in order to make optimal decisions in terms of sustainability, a comprehensive and holistic approach to digitization is required.



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