Bigdata and Analytics Revolution in Transport and Logistics Industry

The transport and logistics sector plays a crucial role in the global economy, ensuring goods are delivered efficiently from one place to another. With the advancement of technology, big data has become an indispensable tool in optimizing operations and improving decision-making processes within this industry.


Big data and analytics help organizations optimize their operations, enhance efficiency, improve customer service, and make data-driven decisions. From delivering goods to managing complex supply chains, every aspect of this sector requires precision & efficiency. And that’s precisely where big data and analytics step in as game-changers.


Here are some key roles and applications of big data and analytics in transport and logistics:


  • Route Optimization: Big data analytics can analyze historical traffic data, weather conditions, and other relevant information to optimize delivery routes. This helps reduce fuel consumption, minimize delivery times, and lower operational costs. Also, by enabling real-time tracking and monitoring, vast amounts can be collected of data from various sources like GPS devices, sensors, and RFID tags. This way companies can have a detailed view of their supply chain network. This allows them to track shipments, monitor vehicle performance, analyze traffic patterns, and make informed decisions on route optimization.
  • Demand Forecasting & Inventory Management: By analyzing customer preferences and historical sales data along with other variables such as seasonality or promotional activities, market trends, businesses can accurately forecast future demand for products or services. This helps optimize inventory management strategies by ensuring adequate stock levels while avoiding overstocking or stockouts.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Sensors and data analytics can monitor the condition of vehicles and equipment in real-time. Predictive maintenance algorithms can predict when maintenance is needed. This helps in identifying and resolving issues quickly and enhancing overall operational efficiency.
  • Customer Experience: Analyzing customer data and feedback can help logistics companies tailor their services to meet customer needs better. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, through sentiment analysis techniques applied on social media platforms or customer feedback surveys, companies gain insights into customers’ needs and expectations. These insights allow them to tailor their services accordingly which ultimately leads to higher customer satisfaction rates.
  • Risk Management: Data analytics can assess and mitigate risks associated with supply chain disruptions, such as natural disasters or geopolitical events. Companies can develop contingency plans and make informed decisions to minimize disruptions.
  • Cost Reduction: By analyzing operational data, logistics companies can identify areas where costs can be reduced, such as optimizing warehouse layouts, improving vehicle routing, and streamlining processes.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Big data analytics can help ensure compliance with various regulations, such as emissions standards, safety regulations, and customs requirements, by tracking and reporting relevant data.
  • Sustainability: Analyzing data related to fuel consumption and emissions can help logistics companies reduce their environmental impact and meet sustainability goals.
  • Market Intelligence: Data analytics can provide valuable insights into market trends, competitor activities, and customer preferences, helping logistics companies make strategic decisions and stay competitive.
  • Capacity Planning: By analyzing data on shipping volumes and resource utilization, logistics companies can plan for future capacity needs, whether it involves expanding their fleet or warehouse space.


Challenges of Using Big Data in Transport and Logistics


  • Data Integration: One of the major challenges in using big data in transport & logistics is integrating various sources of data. The industry generates massive amounts of information from multiple channels, such as GPS trackers, sensors, weather forecasts, and customer feedback. However, this data often exists in different formats and systems, making it difficult to integrate and analyze effectively.
  • Data Quality: Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the collected data poses another challenge. With numerous variables involved in transportation operations, there is a risk of incomplete or inconsistent data sets that can lead to misleading insights or flawed decision-making.
  • Privacy Concerns: As big data analytics rely on collecting vast amounts of personal information about individuals’ movements and behaviors, privacy concerns arise within the transport and logistics sector. Companies must adhere to strict regulations regarding consent, storage security, anonymization techniques, and user rights protection.
  • Scalability Issues: Dealing with large volumes of real-time streaming data requires robust infrastructure capable of handling high velocity processing. Scaling up existing systems to accommodate increasing volumes can be complex and costly for organizations.
  • Skilled Workforce: Building a competent team with expertise in big data analytics is crucial but challenging due to its niche nature. Finding professionals who possess both technical skills (data mining techniques) as well as domain knowledge (transportation operations) may prove difficult.
  • Technology Adoption: Embracing new technologies like IoT devices or cloud computing for effective collection and analysis presents implementation challenges for traditional transportation companies that may have outdated infrastructure or resistance to change.
  • Data Security: Protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access remains a critical concern when dealing with big datasets containing valuable business intelligence that could be exploited if not adequately protected.

Addressing these challenges requires collaboration between stakeholders to develop innovative solutions tailored specifically for the transport industry’s unique needs.

In summary, big data and analytics are transforming the transport and logistics industry by providing valuable insights, optimizing operations, reducing costs, improving customer service, and helping companies stay competitive in a rapidly changing environment. This data-driven approach is becoming increasingly essential for success in the industry.

Data Encryption and Protection in the Cloud

European companies that want to remain competitive have a legitimate demand for cloud solutions. At the same time, these same companies fear unauthorized access to their sensitive data. Businesses are going through the ongoing struggle to keep sensitive data secure. As remote work increases, employees now work freely with each other, as well as with contractors and partners. However, this freedom to collaborate also means that information is shared between devices, applications, and networks over which the company does not necessarily have control.


Many decision-makers are also discouraged from the existence of data protection laws and regulations such as the NIS Directive or the EU-DSGVO/GDPR. How fortunate to have to deal with problems that can be easily solved for a change. Data protection in the cloud is one of them. Although data in the cloud is often stored abroad, this data storage is the safest option for companies to store files in compliance with the GDPR when encrypted!


The lack of knowledge about cloud responsibility shows that many companies do not sufficiently consider the data protection requirements of third parties. Often critical data is not protected from ransomware attacks and data loss. And many organizations have lost data because they solely relied on their CSPs’ solutions and backup tools. It’s been shown that the providers’ current offerings do not meet most of the company’s security needs.


Growing amounts of data flexibility & scalability have made the cloud increasingly popular as a data storage medium. The advantages are obvious: the files hardly need any local storage space, the cloud is highly available and the data can be accessed from any remote location.


Many programs use the cloud as data storage or backup without the customers being aware of it. This happens when synchronization is set by default or when the program is specially designed for cloud use. This is the case, for example, with Microsoft Office, Dropbox, and Google Docs. Particular attentiveness is required when using collaboration tools, software such as Microsoft Teams enables the simple exchange of messages and files. Users are used to practical desktop applications and have forgotten: data is sent to the cloud servers that are beyond the control of whoever owns the data. This is at the root of a serious privacy problem: loss of control.


Reservations about the cloud relate primarily to the lack of data protection. Despite this, too few companies are still taking the initiative. Countermeasures are only slowly being implemented. As a result, the number of data leaks continues to increase every year. A total of 108.9 million accounts were breached in the third quarter of 2022, a 70% increase compared to the previous quarter. According to ENISA, 57% of SMEs who experience a cyber-attack have to close their business operations as a direct result.

Many companies are aware of their security problems. But too few actively take care of the solution. Security measures, data protection laws, and compliance requirements are only as good as their implementation along with data encryption.


Encryption is effective when files are still encrypted on the device on which they are created or edited. In this way, the information is protected during transmission to the cloud and during the entire storage period. You can use it to ward off attacks by ransomware and leakage and protect yourself from access by the cloud provider or foreign authorities. To ensure data is protected and productivity remains high, organizations need an integrated, cloud-based approach to cybersecurity. Standard encryption algorithms and a transparent open-source basis guarantee mathematically complete and correct encryption.


High-quality encryption software fits seamlessly into existing workflows. This additional layer of protection is also ideal for backups. The motto of secure cloud use is therefore to stay in control. Encryption is an effective measure of this.

IT Spending: Further increase in 2022

Worldwide IT spending is projected to increase by 4% from 2021, according to the latest forecast by Gartner, Inc. “Governments will continue to invest heavily in digital technologies. This includes investing in improving the customer and employee experience, strengthening analytical capabilities, and increasing operational agility.


Even though we are witnessing inflation, the Ukraine war, high gas + electricity prices, geopolitical disturbances, and currency fluctuations, none of this is being a reason for companies to cut back their IT spending. On the contrary, the Gartner market research institute is even assuming a renewed increase. It is expected that $4.4 trillion will be spent on IT globally in 2022, which would represent a growth of 4.4% year on year.

Worldwide IT Spending Forecast 2022


The corona pandemic has shown us that it is important to show a high degree of flexibility, especially in turbulent times. The rapid transition of jobs to the home office would not have been feasible at all without a solid investment in IT. The market researchers from Gartner assume that companies acknowledge that the way forward is by investing in tech, and therefore will invest additional available funds in their IT. Another HR survey from Gartner reveals that 41% of employees are likely to work remotely at least some of the time post covid pandemic.

Even if the investments run through all IT areas, Gartner assumes that software solutions ($675 billion, up 9.8% from 2021; ) and IT services (at $1.27 billion, up by almost 7%) are the two fastest-growing categories that will account for the largest share in 2022.


Another trend can be observed in 2022, when it comes to allocating the budget for IT, more companies are focusing on modernizing existing systems than looking toward new developments. Modernization in the IT area can be understood, for example, when legacy systems and traditional processes are shifted to a modern IT operating model. As aging legacy systems can be costly and slow the pace of change, organizations are implementing technologies that include lean processes and automation, which helps them improve workload placement, and eliminate unused or underused systems. Not renewing existing core applications, but modernizing them, not only represents a financial advantage for the company, it also has a positive effect on the environmental balance.

Preparing for Cloud Migration

six r rule Important Strategies for the Cloud Migration


Companies that migrate to the cloud are preparing for a digitization era in which cloud technology not only enables trends such as mobile working but also supports companies in developing new business models and services. The migration of existing software applications to the cloud is motivated by a variety of reasons: lower IT workload, cost savings, greater agility & the need for mobility.


According to Gartner, the global Public Cloud Services Market will grow by 23.1% and reach $397.4B by 2022, up from $270 billion in 2020. Nevertheless, 80 percent of the applications are still running on-premises today. With this in mind, many companies are only just beginning their path to the cloud, and cloud migrations will be an essential part of their IT strategy over the next few years.


Moving systems to the cloud is a challenge that should not be underestimated for many companies – especially during the business-critical migration phase. Inadequate preparation and a lack of expertise can quickly overload existing IT capacities and lead to steep increases in costs. It’s recommended not to ignore the security risks and unnecessary costs. Among other things, it is about how the company sets expectations correctly and maintains its added value during the transition phase.


Preparing for the cloud migration


First of all, a competent team should be put together that is responsible for the upcoming migration of the selected data and the IT structures of the cloud. This should consist of experts with complete knowledge of the target cloud services and the applications to be migrated. The team leader should focus on implementing the business requirements, managing potential technical obstacles, and minimizing risks.


The team leader assumes the role of an “architect” who first defines the strategy and develops a migration plan with his team in order to supervise the migration. Every cloud and migration strategy should therefore be backed up with profound specialist knowledge.


The next step is to perform a complete inventory and classify the applications to be migrated. The following questions should be considered here: Should the standard applications or special legacy apps be migrated? Should the operating system be updated, the application modernized, or should PaaS services such as managed databases be used? It may even be a good idea to shut down some applications entirely and not migrate them at all. After all, a migration plan can only be developed after an in-depth inventory, analysis, and evaluation of each individual application.


Visualize key figures and dependencies


However, a comprehensive inventory does not only consist of a mere listing of the applications. In addition, IT managers should visualize the IT dependencies and evaluate the applications accordingly. It is important to identify relationships between the building blocks of an application and supporting internal services such as Active Directory and external resources. Supporting services must be set up on the target cloud platforms before the application migration process can begin. Applications with simpler dependencies or those that mainly use external services should be moved first. All applications with more complex dependencies should only follow later, as soon as the corresponding dependencies are available in the target cloud.


Last but certainly not least, it is important to determine and record economic and technical key figures (KPIs) during the preparations in order to be able to relate the performance of an application to one’s own expectations. There are basically many meaningful metrics that can be considered for cloud migration. In any case, it makes sense to use metrics that make the problems as well as the success, benefits, and added value of a migration project visible. KPIs for user experience, performance, capacity utilization, and relevant business metrics are recommended. As soon as the KPIs are established, the baseline with which the data comparison should take place must be defined. It should be ensured that sufficient data is collected to be able to take special events such as seasonal fluctuations into account for operational decisions. The collection of data should be automated as far as possible in order to be able to guarantee timely reporting.

Cloud Management Platform: How to Effectively Manage your Cloud Deployment

Cloud Management Platform How to Effectively Manage your Cloud Deployment



The world of enterprise IT is changing at speeds never seen before. The phenomenon of digitization in the business world, is driving the need to dramatically speed up application delivery. In most of the companies today, nothing works without the cloud. The question is no longer whether, but rather in what form and combination the cloud is used. When a company decides to adopt a cloud service and build cloud infrastructures, the desire for better efficiency, scalability, greater flexibility, business continuity and costs reduction is often their top priority. In order to achieve these goals and be prepared for the future, a flexible mix of legacy, on-premise and cloud solutions is recommended.


The multi-cloud approach is already widespread. Worldwide cloud spend is rising as organizations adopt multi-cloud strategies and put more workloads and data in the cloud. According to the latest update to the International Data Corporation (IDCWorldwide Semiannual Public Cloud Services Spending Guide, worldwide spending on cloud services and infrastructure will grow from $229 billion in 2019 to nearly $500 billion in 2023.


In order to better manage the multi-cloud IT infrastructure of companies it’s essential to have a CMP. A cloud management platform helps company to monitor and control their cloud computing resources as the cloud management strategy is one that finances businesses. Industry analyst Forrester defines a hybrid cloud management solution as: “A cloud‐agnostic standalone software solution that automates cloud application and infrastructure service delivery, operations and governance across multiple cloud platforms”. These Cloud management platforms save companies from the complexity trap by giving them a holistic view and control over their increasingly complex ICT infrastructure.


The multi-cloud approach is becoming increasingly popular. The main reason for this development is the greater flexibility that the multi-cloud offers. It gives companies the opportunity to choose the optimal solution in each case. Because there is no such thing as a cloud solution that is suitable for all of a company’s requirements. In the multi-cloud, several cloud services can be combined in a common cloud. Several public cloud solutions as well as a private cloud with public cloud models can be combined. Nevertheless, the combination of several cloud services and platforms appears to the user like a single large cloud.


Multi-cloud architectures are more complex and, therefore, more challenging to manage but most organizations aren’t taking advantage of these multi-cloud management tools. Multi-cloud tooling is essential to managing cloud resources cost-effectively and ensuring strong governance and security. A cloud management platform offers IT administrator, infrastructure managers or CTOs a global view and control over their entire IT infrastructure. This enables the IT team to monitor cloud-based services, plan capacity, and deliver workloads that meet all availability and performance requirements. According to the Flexera 2020 State of the Cloud Report 93% percent of enterprises have a multi-cloud strategy versus 87 percent that have a hybrid cloud strategy. Many organizations silo applications within a given public or private cloud, with 41 percent integrating data between clouds and unfortunately only 33 percent of all participating organizations use multi-cloud management tools.


In the cloud era, IT faces ever changing and often conflicting priorities. In order to meet today’s conflicting IT priorities, to get ready for what lies ahead and to gain compelling business and IT benefits IT teams needs a cloud management platform so they can quickly adopt new technology, while minimizing technical debt. With the integration of a CMP IT teams can be more strategic and focus on business objectives, while maintaining operational excellence.


The flexibility of IT is essential for companies that digitize their business models and processes. Because IT is expected to shape change in an agile, flexible and cost-efficient manner. This includes being able to react quickly to changes, being able to flexibly scale services as required, support innovations, optimize company processes and ensure that the requirements in the areas of security, compliance and data protection are met. However, the path to the multi-cloud must be accompanied by a rethink in the planning of IT budgets. Otherwise the advantages of the multi-cloud cannot be fully exploited.



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