IoT: Biggest Revolution in Retail

If the IoT represents a huge opportunity for almost every facet of the business, this is particularly true for supply chain specialists, operations and analysis. The leaders of e-commerce and traditional commerce see an opportunity of competitive advantage in IoT.


Even though I’ve already wrote about IoT in my previous posts, let me give you again a quick definition of it. In 1999, Kevin Ashton (MIT Auto-ID Center) describes the Internet of Things as a network of interconnected objects that generates data without any human intervention. Today, Gartner describes the IoT as “the network of physical objects containing embedded technology to communicate, detect or interact with their internal states or the external environment.”


estimates for IoT revenue by region in 2020

For some IoT is only a new name of an old concept, the only thing which has recently changed in this existing concept, is the evolution of Cloud technology. According to a recent survey by Gartner, IoT is one of the fastest-growing technological trend. Estimation says that by 2020, the number of connected objects will be multiplied by 26 to $ 30 billion. Main reason behind IoT success is the development of solutions based in clouds; which allows to actually have access to the data generated by the connected objects.


The growth of IoT relies on three levers: reduction in integrated chips costs, technologies supported by a cloud platform and powered by analyzing Big Data and finally the Machine Learning. A case study of IBM named “The smarter supply chain of the future” revels that in near future the entire supply chain will be connected – not just customers, suppliers and IT systems in general, but also parts, products and other smart objects used to monitor the supply chain. Extensive connectivity will enable worldwide networks of supply chains to plan and make decisions together.


The main objective of such connective supply chain is to gain better visibility and to reduce the impact of volatility in all stages of the chain and get better returns by being more agile product flow. Several developments are already underway in the IoT and are revolutionizing the retail supply chain at various levels:


At the client side: integration of end consumer in the IoT. The main objective of this step is to collect customer data to create customized product, personalized offers while simplifying the purchasing process. Devices such as health trackers, connected watches etc. continuously collect the data from consumers, prescribers. The collected data represents a great opportunity of positioning product/services. For example, from a person’s browsing history, its culinary tastes and influences on social networks, information on a nutrition bar can be offered to him. Recommendations may also be appropriate if the person enrolled in a sports club or acquired a fitness tracker and so on.

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As for retailers: Beyond the preparation of the assortment by merchants, there are smart shelves and organization of sales outlet. Moreover, we are witnessing a rapidly changing purchasing behavior so with smart shelves a retailer’s system can analyze inventory, capacity and shipment information sent by suppliers. Via the predicted system retailers and suppliers can avoid costly out-of-stocks or missed sales.

To take the example of nutrition bar, time spent in front of a specific category of products (yogurt lightened for example) can be an early indicator to change suggestions or promotions. In addition, the integration of the retail IoT can allow the line to automatically trigger orders. The whole environment can be configured to access a library of planograms, to store inventory data and related warehouses to automatically run restocking. As the elements of this environment are already used independently, we can predict that we are at the dawn of IoT in retail.


If the store are at a less advanced stage in the application of IoT, transportation and warehousing are well connected. The integration of RFID shows a first generation data-oriented machine. Integrated tracking systems have long been used in transport and warehouse systems. RFID tagging of pallets has to have better visibility on the status of stocks and the location. The convergence of demand signals and increased visibility on the state of stocks and their location results in scenarios such as the anticipated shipment for which Amazon has filed a patent. Increasing integration of IoT can lead to efficient use of robots for material handling and delivery by drones. These innovations are challenging the effectiveness of existing systems by optimizing the machine learning an effective alternative.


Even with all the benefits it promises to offer companies, IoT is still a gamble, with big risks and unsolved problems. For any organization that decided to embark on the IoT, a number of questions remain open whether in technology, integration with file distribution systems to traditional ERP API to communicate with sensors and application languages ​​(Python, ShinyR, et AL.)


There are several interfaces that work well in specific areas, but it needs more standardized platforms. Industry experts have launched PaaS (Platform as a Service) to integrate this growing IoT technology. Despite these challenges, the technology seems a surmountable obstacle. Only the legislation on collected data is a real problem so far. Even the customer acceptance remains a challenge. In 2013, Nordstorm had to backtrack on his program which was to track customer movements by the Wi-Fi use on smartphones and via video analysis due to customers demand.


Finally, the important thing to remember is that the IoT is a revolutionary technology. A lot of expert retailers, e-commerce players and technology solutions providers will rethink and adapt the model and evolve in processes designed for organizations wishing to adopt the IoT. Retailers that take the lead in this space stand to gain an important advantage in an already competitive environment. Early adopters will be positioned to more quickly deliver IoT-enabled capabilities that can increase revenue, reduce costs and drive a differentiated brand experience. The IoT will be a disruptive force in retail operations.




The Smarter Supply Chain Of The Future

The CEO Perspective: IOT for Retail Top Priorities to build a Successful Strategy

Hybrid Cloud Myths Busted

Often presented as a third path between the private cloud and public cloud, companies, consulting firms, suppliers and hosts have started to take their interest hybrid cloud. What is the hybrid cloud? There is no strict and standardized definition of what the hybrid cloud is, each player on the market (consulting firms, hosting companies…) have their own definition.




For Forrester, the hybrid cloud presents itself as “an IT infrastructure model in which at least one external cloud service is integrated with an application, data source, or internalized infrastructure element”. For Gartner, “Hybrid cloud refers to policy-based and coordinated service provisioning, use and management across a mixture of internal and external cloud services”. Basically, it’s a mix use of public and private cloud which are used together to create value.

benefits of Hybrid cloud

Combining the benefits of public clouds such as agility and low cost, with the strengths of private clouds (control, performance and safety) the hybrid cloud brings the best of both technologies. These assets play an essential role in the success of companies, even if few of them still wonders what really a „hybrid cloud“ is. Two options are offered to businesses: get on the board or remain docked. To see more clearly, I propose to demystify the five major myths that usually surround the hybrid cloud.


Private + Public = Hybrid:


It is not enough to place together these two infrastructures to create a hybrid cloud. In fact, you may not gain any of the respective advantages of both types of clouds but end up multiplying the risk by both of them! First, by moving secure data to the public cloud, security breach can result in brand damage and loss of customers’ trust, and requires significant time and effort to remediate; secondly, migration of apps from a public cloud to a private cloud can lead to unexpected costs. By having a hybrid cloud, you control your workload, your network and storage resources while minimizing risk and increasing productivity.


A Hybrid Cloud is Complex and difficult to implement:


The use of complete IT solutions allows you to reduce complexity and to choose standard technology – (Microsoft, OpenStack, Vmware) on which your hybrid cloud is standardized, but also the type of public cloud with which the private cloud deployed on site by customer can interact. A complete solution accelerates three essential elements of development: – Integration of end-to-end testing to verify that all components work together; – Use of a converged infrastructure that simplifies the implementation and deployment; – Predefined plans for services, with workflows that must automate provisioning through a self-service portal.


The public cloud is more cost-efficient:

Cost savings via Hybrid cloud

A New study by IDG Research Services shows that if we take into account the governance issues, risk and compliance, the hybrid cloud displays in fact a lower total cost of ownership. When data or workloads migrate to the public cloud, it is easy to override local or international regulations on data protection. The local laws and requirements vary from market to market, and some are so complex that companies simply prefer to avoid public clouds. May be that’s why you may want to choose private cloud for sensitive workloads. In Germany for example, the rules on how data is stored and processed are especially strict. The solution lies in how to mix public cloud and private cloud offering each workload the advantages of one or the other, depending on their requirements.


On the cloud, the data control escapes you:


While extraction or data migration can be difficult via some particularly cloud service providers, a well-orchestrated hybrid cloud environment enable you to keep hand on your work. A well-managed hybrid cloud can provide quickly required public and private resources, provide IT departments a high level of visibility and control, as well as self-service and on demand access for developers and applications users.


It is difficult to know which applications are suitable for cloud:                


Companies are often hampered by the critical interdependencies of IT infrastructure, ignorance of their IT assets and their relationships to business applications. With a simple spreadsheet and without rigorous methodology, it’s impossible to know precisely if an application is suitable or not for cloud – and even less to know the position in a cloud architecture. Experts who use automated platforms for collecting and analyzing data can provide a complete comprehensive view of the application portfolio and tell whether you need to migrate, consolidate, modernize or simply stop the use of an application.          


hybrid Cloud as digital transformation


Even if the definition of hybrid cloud is still unclear, its undeniable benefits in terms of agility and cost reduction are now the essential model of tomorrow. Companies that are preparing or starting their digital transformation have every reason to anticipate a future adoption and now choose technologies that will integrate public and private worlds, i.e. converged infrastructure and proven software solutions.



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Cybersecurity and Digital Businesses Transformation

In a special report on digital business transformation and cybersecurity, Gartner affirms that as organizations migrate their business to digital, a lack of directly-held infrastructure and services outside of IT’s management can ought to be self-addressed by cybersecurity. “Gartner predicts by 2020, 60% of Digital Businesses will suffer major service failures due to the inability of IT Security Teams to Manage DigitalRisk

As Digital Transformation initiatives gain pace across the world, the threat of cyber-attack grows in tandem. Further risks stem from the evolving business and regulatory requirements and technology trends that are posing new cybersecurity challenges and endangering the success of digital programs.


We all know today’s business depends on technology and digital systems are now lifeblood of an organization. With that being said, Paul Proctor, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner, affirms that “Cybersecurity is an important part of digital-business with its new challenges in an open digital-world“.

Organizations leaders must realize that it’s time for a fundamental rethink of how cybersecurity is positioned and understood within their organizations and which innovation they must do to survive digital risks.


Let’s have a look on 5 key areas of focus, identified by Gartner, to address successfully cybersecurity in digital business:

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Hard to admit, but the perfect protection is not feasible. Gartner states that 60% of cyber security budgets in the companies will be dedicated to the early detection of threats in 2020. This is less than 30% in 2016. “Organizations need to detect and respond to malicious behavior and incidents, because even the best preventive controls may not prevent all incidents, “says Gartner.


  1. Improve the leadership and governance : Improving leadership, getting governance right, making security a board-level priority, measuring leading indicators to catch problems while they are still small, is more important than the development of tools and skills when it comes to cybersecurity and technology risk in digital business. Governance, data infrastructure, decision making, prioritization, budget allocation, awareness, budget allocation, reporting, transparency and accountability are key features to protect and run any business.
  2. Adapt to evolving threats: In today’s connected, information-heavy world, organizations across all sectors are facing not simply escalating risk, but the near-certainty that they will suffer an information security breach. IT department must overcome the challenge to prevent all threats and risk management. Gartner predicts that companies will spent 60% of cyber security budgets to early detect threats in 2020 instead of waiting for the last minute. Only a sharp focus on business structure, culture and risks will let you better safeguard the data essential to your organization’s survival and success and prevent all nightmares.
  3. Alignment of cybersecurity at the speed of digital business: Organizations that adopt digital go at a faster pace than traditional companies. So the same logic must go for security systems, with that being said, the traditional security system will stop working in the new era of digital innovation. Organizations must invest in their security system in order to innovate them to avoid all obstacles. Companies are increasingly reliant on digital data to drive their growth. The “bad guys” have recognized this, have fortified their techniques and are enjoying significant success; while the “good guys” are still trying to fight a modern war! Having a well-defined security program can help management make an informed choice about how to invest in security. All organizations able to successfully establish an ecosystem that protect and grow business will remain competitive.
  4. Explore the new era of cybersecurity: Before it was perhaps easier to protect data because they resided exclusively in the data center. New technologies are now overflowing data outside via the cloud and mobile etc. For example, in 2018, 25% of company’s data will come directly from IOT (=from mobile to the cloud), and by circumventing enterprise security controls. Organizations must now respond to the issues of cybersecurity and risks of technologies and assets that they no longer own or control.
  5. People and Process – Cultural Change: As companies support productivity through the rapid integration of bring your own device (BYOD), cloud computing and other aspects of total mobility, there is a corresponding increase in the risk to which the information located on or accessed via these channels is exposed. With the acceleration of digital business and the power technology gives individuals, it is now critical to address behavior change and engagement from employees to customers. Internal threats to information security run from the inadvertent (simple user error, loss of mobile devices) to the malicious (internal fraud, data theft). Cybersecurity must meet the needs of people through the process of change. People-centric security gives each person in an organization increasing autonomy in how he or she uses information and devices — and what level of security adopted when he or she uses it. The individual then has a certain set of rights in using technology and is linked to the group in the entire enterprise. The individual must also recognize that if things go wrong, it will have an impact on the team, group and business.


Sources: Special report – Cybersecurity at the Speed of Digital Business

Artificial intelligence and connected objects, trends of the upcoming years?

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence, great topic of the moment? Yet the term dates back to the 1950s! AI is the term used most commonly for Artificial Intelligence. The concept is to develop computer programs that perform tasks that are normally performed by human. The goal is to give machines (robots) ability to seem like they have human intelligence. I’m pretty sure that at this point we all have seen robots doing the grunt work in factories, intelligence driverless cars, and companies are using AL to improve their product and increase sales.


Since 2007, Gartner has been predicting key strategic technology trends for the coming years – not an easy task considering the rapid change in the IT market. According to a classification made by Gartner, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud Computing, sensors, connected objects, smart machines and modern 3D printing are the key trends of the years 2016-2020. Automation and artificial intelligence figure prominently in the top 10 technology trends of the future presented by Gartner at its conference Symposium / ITxpo 2015.


Multiple devices, mobile to electronic devices via the connected devices and sensors are the first big trend mentioned by the research company. More and more devices are becoming connected and “resulting in smarter homes, smarter cars, smarter everything. IoT is leading to a point where “no object will just be an object—it will all be wirelessly connected to something else.


 Gartner expects more interaction between these connected devices via different networks in the coming years and beyond (via 4G + 5G technologies). The user experience and virtual environments comes in second position. According to Gartner, this presents a big opportunity and competitive advantage to IT developers and enterprises. 3D printing are third in this ranking, which isn’t yet a mature market, but getting stronger. Thus, global shipments of 3D printers for businesses should show 64% of an average annual growth rate until 2019.


Information on the massive data processing era (Big Data), followed by advanced machine learning and deep learning are also on the top 10.


“The explosion of data sources and complexity of data classification makes traditional (manual) analysis almost impossible and unprofitable for organizations. With artificial intelligence, the chances of error are almost zero in addition to that greater precision and accuracy is achieved. Plus according to Gartner, in 2018, 20% of all business content and documents will be produced by machines.


Gartner have published results of a survey on the topic Big Data, artificial intelligence and the relationship between the two domains. Without further ado, here are the main results:

  • 69% of respondents says that artificial intelligence will improve with the massive use of data
  • 68% think that Big Data will be used very long term by public authorities and businesses
  • 67% believe that the Big Data presents long-term benefits for the health and well-being
  • Finally, 65% approves that they use avatars that are digital assistants who interact with the users in order to save the need of human resources.

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Artificial intelligence can provide unexpected business intelligence for organizations, enhance knowledge on their customers and improve customer interaction with the company, and in some case even replace entire departments as intelligent, learning machines perform tasks until now strictly reserved for humans. Not surprisingly, demand for solutions made possible by artificial intelligence is increasing in the private sector as well as in the public sector. “In every organization, IT experts should explore how to use intelligent agents and these autonomous connected objects to improve the activity” said David Cearley, vice -President and associated Gartner.


Source: Webbmedia Group – 2016 Tech Trends

How you can benefit from using Big Data in your business operations

Big Data, it is above all a great opportunity for companies to innovate, grow their sales, profits and markets so they can grow their portfolio and also to create new jobs. For customers and consumers of these businesses, it is a guarantee of a better customer experience in all interactions with brands either in sales, marketing or at the customer service.


The idea of data creating business value is not new, however, to explain briefly why, today, only a “small portion” of the data – often digital marketing or customers data but also data collected from connected objects, various maintenance processes, product usage statistics – are actually exploited by companies. The main reason is that the collection, storage and operating correctly the gathered data cost very expensive for some companies. In fact more expensive than the apparent or immediate value generated by the exploitation of these data. Another reason is the fact that most organizations still aren’t enough competent to technically manage the huge flow of data that is generated by the above examples.


The big data approach is used to collect, store, and analyze all the data at much more reasonable cost than the traditional process thanks to new storage technologies. Big data technologies release organizations from the traditional accuracy vs. cost challenge by enabling them to store data at the lowest level of detail, keeping all data history under reasonable costs and with less effort if managed correctly.



The benefit is that we can now consider to analyze and turn into actionable information, all the data that was once out of reach for both technical and financial reasons but the density of information contained in this new data is still less compared, for example, to conventional transactional data. But this problem is somehow compensated by the huge volume of data first, and especially the ability to cross-check them through statistical algorithms. So now, with a little help of experts in domain, companies have now the ability to exploit big data and to transform it into actionable knowledge then in make profit out of it. “The ability to exploit data correctly will define the difference between the losers and winners going forward,” says Tim McGuire, a McKinsey director.


In today’s hypercompetitive business environment, one of the biggest business challenges for companies is the importance of being able to find and analyze the relevant data they need, they must find it quickly.


Here a video that explains what’s Big Data in detail.

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Now that you’ve saw the video and read the above part, let’s check example of a company that has successfully used THE Big Data. ACCOR, one of the French leaders in the hotel industry, has significantly increased its hotel booking rates through the use of these techniques. The business challenge is based on real time offers and recommendations for online users company’s website.


Accor has always wanted to derive insights from information in order to make better, smarter, real time, factbased decisions and now thanks to the RTD solution of Oracle (Real Time Solution), ACCOR group achieved more benefits than before. The project is recent (2013) and is still rising and making benefits for the group.


In today’s highly interconnected global business environment, marketing departments are front of the most exciting challenges of Big Data in which customer insight is a top priority for organizations in all industries. The main challenge here is to develop, maintain and control a 360 ° view across all channels and points of interaction with the customers.


As Customer satisfaction is at the heart of the selling process for all companies, they must organize the marketing and operational processes around the data. This data must be transformed into knowledge by the analytical part of big data, especially must be operational and available for customer interaction usage.


What’s the future of Big Data?


futur of bigdata

The pursuit of information has been a human preoccupation since knowledge was first recorded. Talking about the future of big data is really vague and deep topic, because it’s very much a “here and now” phenomenon. Big Data is a major trend and is set to offer companies tremendous insight. Gartner describes big data as a situation where the volume, velocity and variety of data exceed an organization’s ability to use that data for accurate and timely decision-making”.
Organizations are increasingly realising the utility of data that is bringing the value through continuous improvements in their existing operations.


Many uses of Big Data are only in their infancy and we can expect to see a surge of uses that we have not even thought of yet today.


The Big Data is as important for business as the Internet in its time. Companies that won’t act now will may be overtaken in few years by the competition. It is best to start even a modest project quickly rather than waiting for the technologies and methods to stabilize because then it will be too late.


Things you need to know about ‘The Internet of Things’


Everyone has their definition of IoT: for me, for example, IoT is a system of interconnected computing devices via public or private IP. These devices have the ability to exchange, collect, analyze and transfer data according to instructions given to them, over specific network without human interaction.


We are living in a world where Internet of Things has caused a massive transformation in our way of living. Our phones, computers, fridge, machines, cars are the existing proof of IoT. Not only in our everyday life but we’ve seen a strong expansion of IoT in all industrial sectors. Furthermore Gartner predicts that more and more industry players advances step by step towards IoT adoption.


According to Forbes, more and more appliances are connected to the internet. Even though, in 2008, there were already more devices connected to the Internet than people on Earth, 87% of people ignores exact meaning and advantages of IoT but if we have a moment to look back in time, we can see that the automatic banknote dispensers were considered as the very first IoT devices. They are actually connected to the Internet since 1974 already!


Companies are beginning to understand the value of the IoT (return on investment, efficiency, productivity, etc.), so that sales of IoT solutions for professionals will accelerate to the point that companies will become the number 1 market adoption of the IoT. According to Mr Tully Gartner predictions, this year, 4 billion connected things will be use in the consumer sector and will reach 13.5 billion by 2020.


Internet of Things Units Installed Base by Category - Gartner

  • Furthermore, some 10 million ‘smart clothes’ would be connected to the internet. Thinking here of clothes able to control your heart beat or know the amount of liquid (sweat) you lose per day / hour.
  • In 2012, only 10 percent of the cars were connected. For 2020, it is expected that 90 percent of cars are connected to the net.
  • A connected kitchen – which maintains the products therein – allows you to save up to 15 percent annually by telling you, for example, the expiry date of products matured stored init.

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The IoT will certainly have a positive impact on economy and it will certainly create new business models. Data gathered in IoT represent a competitive advantage for companies and with the right tools, organizations can maximize their potential.


Sources :


Business Intelligence Insights

Business Intelligence development in 2016

Strategic information is often embedded in the volume of data information systems. In addition, these data are sometimes stored unorganized or in unstructured way. The volume of data is growing daily, it is very difficult to treat them and understand their meaning. But access to information, all information, without any delay, that’s what leaders want and that’s what BI is offering. Since past twenty years BI or “Business Intelligence” has seriously made its entry into business. But what is this software solution? Who is it for?


In a few words: BI consist to transform data into information in order to predict the future development of any company. This is an IT approach that generates and processes data in order to enable leaders to have a global vision of the results of their business. Those data generated reports provides them a better analysis and understanding of the market. It is a real help in strategic decision making. Gartner findings revealed that the market for BI solutions has an annual growth of 7%.


Few years back, the BI was mainly used in financial sector for different departments such as accounting, management control etc. because financial institutions need to support business activities and decisions making in time. But now we all are witnessing a BI technological change and development means providing the opportunity of significant competitive advantage for all organization. Expansion of BI is having such a huge success that now it’s available to any size of organization. Not only in mode but the BI now, is a necessity of all organizations, it represents a real strength of company.


Moreover, the growing use of cloud-services clearly indicates that more and more companies choose not to waste their budget in purchase of expensive and complex software. They prefer the affordable price of services available in SaaS mode, simple and quick to implement, without cost to install or setup + access data any moment. These solutions especially have the enormous advantage of being a payback within months.


In a company, data presentation tools offered by Business Intelligence are for everyone. Every department will find the tool that suits them best and benefit for its function.


  • Management monitors business performance and effectiveness of their strategy via performance indicators presented in dashboards.
  • Analysts literally navigate in information to understand and analyze the highlights of any organization.
  • Finally, employees use structured reports to follow and adapt the day to day operational activities of the company.

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There’s no doubt that the collaboration of these services available in SaaS mode, offers companies the opportunity to create a fluid flow of information. A well-designed BI solution provides a consolidated view of key business data which isn’t available anywhere in the organization, gives management visibility and control over measures that otherwise wouldn’t exist.


Cloud computing adoption and growth

Cloud computing -BigData

Cloud computing is an IT approach that relies on shearing computing and application resources over internet rather than having local servers of personal devices to handle applications.

In cloud computing, the word cloud is used as a metaphor for “the internet”, so it’s a type of cloud-internet based computing. This computing approach brings several advantages to organizations by delivering them different services via internet. The most promising advantages are:


  • Reduction of maintenance costs of IT infrastructure
  • The rapidity of sharing data with one or more other users of CC. Possibility of creating a collaborative virtual platform
  • A free and open access to the client, which can establish its own connection anywhere and access their data immediately, without going through the establishment of a VPN (virtual private network) in the company.
  • Reduction of energy consumption

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Cloud computing IT infrastructure

In technological terms, 2015 was the year of “cloud”. According to research firm IDC, cloud computing now accounts a third of all IT infrastructure spending. For applications, Forrester suggests that overall worldwide spending on SaaS this year will reach $ 106 billion, about 17% of total spending in enterprise applications.


Such high figures demonstrate only the success of cloud computing.  In 2015, we saw the peak of Cloud computing hype with the potential to make any organizations more responsive than ever. The analysis firm Gartner predict how the cloud computing and applications transform enterprise computing in a better way.


Today, cloud computing has become essential in the business. The leaders have realized that it is more efficient and profitable for them to assign non-core processes to an external third party providers.


Cloud services in their various versions, SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) offers good opportunities to individuals and companies but still security and privacy continue to be the main inhibitors of cloud adoption because of insufficient transparency into cloud-provider security. Cloud providers need to demonstrate their capabilities to deliver services in a secure and reliable manner.


To summarize, We can see that in 2015 Cloud represents a radical change for companies and gain a competitive advantage. In short, more than a buzzword, cloud is a tool that can streamline your business processes and improve them.


Sources :

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