All-inclusive Security Approach for Next-Gen Endpoint Terminals

All-inclusive Security Approach for Next-Gen Endpoint Terminals

In the last 20 years of the information technology and the advancements of the cyberspace landscape has advanced non-stop, that’s why the future of cybersecurity is strongly connected to IT advancements. Along with the development in IT, cyber-hackers have also updated their strategies to evade the security measures in place, and the terminals remain their favorite targets.


Many studies have demonstrated that, in 2019, businesses of all sizes have faced more sophisticated and more dangerous cyber-attacks. Only in the first half of 2019, over 4.5 billion records from organizations around the word have been compromised via data breaches and cybersecurity attacks.


Now, with the cloud, IOT and mobile devices, endpoints have become the company’s new security perimeter. It is therefore increasingly critical to lock and secure them. There’s no doubt that companies continuously deploy numerous software on devices to secure them, such as, antivirus, firewall, intrusion detection, vulnerability management, Web filtering, antispam and many others. Yet, despite those solutions in place, many companies still suffer from security breaches.


In addition to that, as the trend of remote working is also escalating in 2019, companies are facing security challenges in terms of security and data protection, for those employees that are using their own devices, outside of business networks, or company premises. Therefore, securing Endpoint devices can be very challenging, especially when employees are using their own devices for work or using their work devices for personal usage out of company premises. And if they get their device stolen or hacked, it could lead to huge disaster, such as company accounts can be compromised. Therefore, YES, organizations and business around the world need to invest in Endpoint Protection solutions. With the help of these solutions, Endpoint devices can be secured with cloud based anti-virus installed on each Endpoint Device. And they need next generation protection in addition to their antivirus, prevention and detection of advanced threats.


Here below are listed few important criteria’s that companies need to take in consideration for a comprehensive endpoint security strategy: 


  • Preventing any attacks requires more than just a firewall or a single antivirus program. By implementing a combination of security strategies, including device firewalls, specific email Antivirus tools, internet security, mobile device management and security solutions, encryption and intrusion Detection tools, companies can avoid malware and stop it in real time. In addition, vulnerabilities can be identified and remedied to prevent malware entry. Importantly, prevention must cover the entire corporate network, including all endpoints.


  • IT security teams must analyze and record, nonstop, each endpoint activity so they can detect all activity connected to any type of attack, including known vulnerability exploitation, zero-day attacks or non-malware- related intrusion.


  • 100% malware protection is not possible today, therefore, companies must opt for a system with which they can secure their endpoints round the clock and have an eye on any malicious behavior. They must learn from any past experience by understanding the actions an attacker may take in order to penetrate company’s network so they can enhance their security for future and also take things in control after a breach.


  • Administrators must be able to view activity that happens on the corporate network at any time in present or past. All endpoint security solutions must be able to offer real-time interactive reports on user activity. An overall view of the reports for events that occurred in the past must be available at anytime.


  • IT security teams must secure and enforce security policies on the all company devices, even those that employees can take out for remote working. They must install a suite of security control that protects sensitive data on those devices and endpoints by encrypting sensitive corporate data.



Forrester: Rethink Enterprise Endpoint Security In The Cloud Computing Era


IBM: Protect critical assets: Safeguarding data, apps and endpoints

Benefits of Open Source Software for Business


Open source is a type of licensing agreement that allowsprogrammers and engineers to develop new technologies through collaboration. It’s code is written and maintained by volunteers and community members and is available and open to anyone who would like to copy, use, edit and contribute for ways to improve it. This is why open source software has benefits such as cost, flexibility, freedom, security, and community.


Open source software is facing massive growth and acceptance in worldwide business. Microsoft is today one of the largest open source providers in the world, with IBM and SAP also entering the top ten. According to Red Hat’s “State of Enterprise Open Source” study published in April 2019, 69% of IT executives believe that open source software is at least “pretty important” to their IT strategy.


Here are few benefits for adopting open source software in business:


  • Innovation: Innovation is the reason behind the growth of the business, startups, entrepreneurship, and anything that we do creatively in business.Competitive business minds always think to execute unique idea in their business model, business processesin order to satisfy and acquire more and more customers.
    Open source programming empowers innovation by providingusers with the opportunity also adaptability to adjust the product to bring the best functionalities out of it. Experimenting with open source is easier than with commercial products, therefore innovation could conceivably be passed on to all clients or users of the software. Developers can download and try out free open source programs, and then decide if the technology is right for their project. If not, they can decide differently and quickly experiment with other components. It is important to note that open source is a pioneer for innovation.


  • Cost and Availability: The most obvious benefit of open source software is that it’s totally free. As the software is often free or fairly inexpensive, companies can save on operational and implementation cost. Plus, ifopen source software vendors are charging for add-ons,these products are usually still much cheaper than closed source alternatives. Open Source Software is freely available over the net. They are available with 24*7 support from online community, discussion forums as well and they depend on its online group system to convey help by means of discussions forums and blogs. While there are huge and dedicated online groups that clients can turn to, busy customers of today have prompt administration and help that empowers issues to be solve quickly.


  • Security: Open source software is not necessarily developed in a secured environment. While big companies, such as Microsoft, often have a concentrated development team, often the software is being developed by individuals all over the world who may not work on the software for the duration of its developing lifetime. This lack of continuity and common direction can lead to security barriers and to the lack of communication. But as open source code is visible for anyone to see, Vulnerabilities are also visible to everyonemeans they can be fixed quite easily. It is important to evaluate the ability of an open source community and or its service providers to respond quickly to find vulnerabilities. Traditionally, open source platforms provide clearer documentation, more frequent upgrades, and regular downloads for testing purposes. All of this can help give corporate teams a strong sense of security in developing their technology stacks. Overall, the software receives more attention, which means more testing and ameliorating security.


  • Flexibility: Companies that use Open Source Software (OSS) find that it offers the most flexibility of any third-party software alternative.As they continually look to do more with less, adopting open source software can deliver real business value in addition to greater flexibility, lower IT costs and increased opportunities for innovation. Open Source software increase flexibility at a faster pace and lower cost.


  • High quality software: The input of worldwide best developers who are motivated and determined to develop the best possible software always results in delivering a high-quality product. By exploiting reusable components, the developers gain more freedom to concentrate on higher value contributions.


The increasing customizability and security offered by OSS, in combination with its low cost, is driving the growing adoption by businesses. Lots of organizations as well as service providers such as IBM, Hewlett Packard are already doing business with all the open source software. In addition to that, the advances in OSS will provide new capabilities for SME in terms of their operations and the products and services they provide to clients. It is expected that businesses will increasingly turn to OSS solutions in order to meet their business needs and remain competitive in the market.

Why Financial Institutions Can Not Allow Data Breaches

Why Financial Institutions Can Not Allow Data Breaches

The global banking sector is considerably healthier now than it was 10 years ago, at the start of the global financial crisis. The largest banks in the world have significantly improved their capital position in the years since the crisis. Furthermore, competition in the banking sector has become tough. While FinTech are primarily conquering the young target group with innovative business models, established banks must make an effort to maintain their market position. However, they also have a great advantage over the newcomers: the trust that has grown over many years of their customers.


Consumers feel safe at recognized banks. This is shown by the banking customers experience report. As a result, banks and savings banks occupy the top spot when it comes to customer confidence in data protection. Three quarters of respondents (72 percent) believe that their data is safe with their bank. In second place are health insurance companies with only 40 percent.


In contrast, however, there are other numbers. According to the Ponemon Institute’s study, sponsored by IBM “Cost of Data breach 2018” the financial industry is most often affected by data breaches or data theft. Given the nature of data held by financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, credit card companies and brokerage firms, it’s no surprise they are the most at risk of cyberattacks. The cost per lost dataset is $ 206, the second-highest in the industry, fallowing by the healthcare sector. Overall, the cost of a data breach increased from $ 3.62 million in the previous year to $ 3.86 million. In such data breach, the most importance is the loss of reputation caused by such an incident.


The biggest risk is data beyond the productive environment

Banks cannot afford to lose the trust of their customers. Because this is precisely their competitive advantage over the FinTech. The term “FinTech,” which is the short form of the phrase financial technology, represents companies that combine financial services with modern, innovative technologies. FinTechs generally aim to attract customers with products and services that are more user-friendly, efficient, transparent, and automated than those currently available in traditional banks.


Therefore, traditional banks should do everything possible to reduce the risk of data breaches and to close any weak points. Looking at past data protection incidents in the financial sector it seems that most of the time the productive data was not affected. Productive systems are usually well protected against hacker attacks with the latest technology. What is at risk is data that is copied from the production environment and circulates around the house – for example, for development or data analytics. These account for about 80% of the data in the company. In large companies, thousands of employees access the data. In this environment, data protection officer must ensure that sensitive information does not fall into the wrong hands.


This is how DataOps provides more security

DataOps (data operations) is a new approach to data management which brings together data workers, the individuals who collect, clean and prepare data, with data analysts to help enterprises make data-driven decisions at the moment of opportunity.

A DataOps platform can be helpful in increasing the security of data inside the organization. It enables central data management and creates virtual copies of the productive data so that they can be distributed quickly and above all safely in the company. For example, central policies can be used to specify how the data should be protected. With role-based access rights, administrators control who can use which data and how.


An important method to protect sensitive data is also by masking it. This information is anonymized, so that no conclusions on the respective persons are possible. For developers and data scientists, the data is still meaningful enough. The General Data Protection Regulation also expressly mentions anonymization as a suitable means of data protection. With a DataOps platform, masking can be automated before the data is copied and redistributed from the production environment.



Data breaches can have lasting harmful effects for any business, regardless of its industry. The financial impact of a loss of brand reputation and trust after a cybersecurity incident can be significant across all industries. And when it comes to the cybersecurity threats financial institutions face every day, there is only one guarantee: hackers will continue to find new ways to infiltrate your organization’s network.


Data protection and data security are playing an important role. Still, established banks and savings banks enjoy great trust from their customers. But this advantage over Fintechs can quickly disappear due to data breakdowns and the associated loss of reputation. Particularly vulnerable are data beyond the productive environment. With masking, centralized policies and access rights management, a DataOps platform can help to better secure them.

Major Consequences Of Having Poor Data Quality For Your Business

how data powers business opportunities


Organizations are collecting and generating more information than ever before but simply having a lot of data does not make a business data driven. Issues related to data quality maintenance is infecting numerous businesses. IT department which aren’t taking any steps in order to improve accuracy of their data, can lead companies to pay a big price. Generating trusted information isn’t always easy, though.  Nearly half of organizations are already in error due to poor data quality.


Poor data quality can impact organizations in a very negative way by have serious financial consequences. Regulatory fines, monetary losses from bad business decisions, and legal fees resulting from errors can add up to millions of dollars. IBM estimates the total cost, to U.S. organizations only, to be $3.1 trillion dollars annually. Moreover, when it comes to patient or consumer safety, bad data can cost lives.


A qualitative database with complete market information is very useful for the effective generation of new leads and the restructuring of existing one. Results of a campaign must be reflected in the database and information must always be accurate, complete, correct and unique. Yet this is not always the case. During customer contact, organizations too often receive answers such as: “I do not have permission to leak confidential information”, “Cloud applications? No, we do not use ‘and’ I’m not the right person for this conversation ‘. 46% of the organizations sometimes go wrong due to poor data quality, according to research by the New York Times. What price do organizations actually pay for this? I have listed the three most important consequences.


  1. Target-less costs are incurred

A definite price tag is not linked to bad data quality, but that organizations make costs and miss out on profit is beyond doubt. U.S. organizations think approximately 32% of their data is inaccurate and believe this negatively affects their revenue in terms of weak resources, lost productivity, or wasted marketing and communications spend. Moving companies, changing e-mail addresses and reorganizing organizations. This means that mail is sent to incorrect addresses, e-mails do not arrive, and departments can no longer be reached. The mail is packed, the e-mail is typed, and the phone picked up, but these actions do not yield any results. Wasted time. And time is money.


  1. Sales and marketing without result

If companies work with outdated data, chances are that they do not have insight into who they should approach at which company. People change jobs, retire or come to the streets after a merger or takeover. If the database is not continuously updated and cleaned up with this information, effective customer approach becomes difficult. The right DMU is not available and companies do not get the right person. They do not go any further and even go two steps backwards. The target group is not reached and at the same time they strike a flatter with the potential customer. All this because companies do not have their data up to date.


  1. Reputation damage

As an organization, you want to avoid blunders and with a large arc for possible errors. You do not want to write to companies that are just bankrupt or are seeking contact with people who have already left the company. These missteps make sure that people talks negatively about your organization and that is the last thing you want. In short, get your facts straight. Make sure you do not run towards a wrong direction and avoid the above missteps. Provide a database containing all customer data and refresh them regularly. Only then can companies effectively carry out marketing and sales activities.

#GDPR: Does your Business comply with the new #DataProtection requirements?

Our data is one of our most prized asset. As an organisation, our clients entrust us with this data. In our vision data and its security must be critical for each operations, innovation and competitive position. As an enterprise, you can be more successful in your respective line of business when you manage to get your data security right.


Therefore, the EU’s GDPR brings data protection legislation into line with new, previously unforeseen ways that data is now used. This wide Basic Data Protection Act (EU-GDPR) can be very complex and opaque. IBM Security has developed a five-phase framework to help organizations implement the mandatory regulation from 2018 onwards.


In addition to that, IBM Security has also worked in the past to create a service that will help companies prepare for the upcoming GDPR. Instead of accessing complicated, multi-dimensional matrices or diagrams, a simple framework was compiled.


Step by Step GDPR


Each journey begins with the first step, and so IBM Security has also extracted five separate steps for the journey to GDPR’s expertise. This allows companies to fallow a step by step guidelines through the five, to the point, phase framework. The framework also takes account of the fact that each company will have its own needs during the process. Therefore, it is designed as simply as possible.


Based on the main focus of the GDPR, the five steps within the framework are subdivided into the areas of data protection and security. Since both areas are closely interwoven, IBM Security has selected the following area definitions for us: In the field of data protection everything is about what data is collected and why they are managed, shared, processed and moved around. Security, on the other hand, is much more concerned with how data can be controlled and protected. This also means that within a company, security can be achieved without data protection, but no data protection can be guaranteed without adhering to security standards.


The five-phase framework for the GDPR

IBM’s GDPR Framework


The approach for a basic GDPR expertise in five steps is the fallowing:


Phase 1: this first step is related to company assesses. It is necessary to examine which of the collected and stored data are affected by the GDPR guidelines. A plan is then drawn up to reveal this data.


Phase 2: is about the company’s own approach, a solid plan that governs the collection, use, and storage of data. This approach is based on the architecture and strategy on the basis of which risks and company objectives are exploited. Designing privacy, data management and security management are top priority.


Phase 3: the company’s way of doing are rethought. It is important to understand that the data gathered so far are as valuable to the people as they are to the company. At this point, sustainable data protection guidelines have to be developed. However, it is also about introducing safety controls and administrative controls (also: TOM – Technical and Organizational Measures) and appointing a Data Protection Officer so the GDPR training can be delivered to the right persons for the job.


Phase 4: in this phase, companies are ready to implement their data protection approach. Data streams are continuously checked from this phase, and access to data is monitored. In addition, security checks are performed and unimportant data is deleted.


Phase 5: the company is ready to comply with the GDPR guidelines. From then on, all requests for access, correction, deletion and transmission of data are met. In addition, by documenting all activities, the company is prepared for possible audits and can, in the case of a data lap, inform regulators and affected parties.


Above is the direct approach of IBM Security to make companies fit for GDPR. The way to get there is not always easy, but the framework should at least show it more clearly. Companies are themselves responsible for compliance with the applicable regulations and laws, which are included in the EU-GDPR. Note that IBM does not provide any legal advice and does not warrant that IBM’s services or products comply with applicable laws or regulations.

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