Why is it crucial for businesses to have a Mobile Application?

Mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. From social media to online shopping, we rely on these apps to make our lives more convenient and efficient. As much as they are helpful in our personal life, these mobile applications are also beneficial for businesses. In today’s world, having a mobile application is no longer just a luxury – it has become a necessity for any business that wants to stay ahead of the competition and grow their brand and reach new customers like never before.


The benefits of having a mobile application for businesses

Having a mobile application can offer numerous benefits to businesses of all sizes. One major advantage is increased accessibility, as customers can easily access your products or services from anywhere, at any time through their mobile device.

A mobile app also provides an opportunity for businesses to strengthen brand recognition and customer loyalty. A well-designed app with a user-friendly interface can enhance the overall customer experience and keep users engaged with the brand.

Moreover, a mobile application offers unique marketing opportunities such as push notifications, in-app promotions and personalized content that can help drive sales and promote new offerings. Such marketing strategies have been found to be highly effective in increasing engagement rates among customers.

In addition, having third-party integrations within your business’s mobile app further enhances its functionality by allowing seamless integration with other platforms like social media or payment gateways. All these features make investing in a business mobile application not just beneficial but also essential for growing your brand presence online while staying ahead of competitors!


The future of mobile applications

The future of mobile applications is exciting and constantly evolving. As technology continues to advance, developers are finding new ways to improve the user experience and make mobile apps more intuitive and efficient.

One trend that we can expect to see in the future is the increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). AI-powered mobile applications will become more prevalent, enabling businesses to automate processes, provide personalized experiences, and make data-driven decisions. AI can enhance various aspects of mobile apps, such as voice recognition, natural language processing, predictive analytics, and chatbots.

We are also noticing an increased IOT integration into mobile apps. Mobile apps will increasingly connect with IoT devices, allowing businesses to gather real-time data and control IoT-enabled systems remotely. This integration will enable businesses to optimize operations, improve efficiency, and offer innovative services.


Mobile apps will also increasingly integrate with wearable devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, to provide seamless user experiences and gather health and activity data. This integration can have implications for various industries, including healthcare, fitness, and retail. With this integration, businesses will focus on delivering personalized experiences to users through mobile apps. By leveraging user data and AI algorithms, apps will offer tailored recommendations, content, and notifications, leading to increased user engagement and customer satisfaction.


Another area where mobile applications will continue to grow is in third-party integration. Apps that seamlessly integrate with other popular platforms like social media or messaging services will become increasingly important as consumers demand a streamlined experience across all aspects of their digital lives. Also, with the growing concerns about data privacy and security, mobile app developers will prioritize robust security measures. Features like biometric authentication (fingerprint, facial recognition), encryption, and secure data storage will be integral to future business mobile apps. Businesses will also be able to leverage advanced analytics tools and machine learning algorithms to extract valuable insights from mobile app data. These insights will help optimize app performance, understand user behavior, and drive informed business decisions.


We can expect continued growth in areas such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), which have already started making waves in gaming but could potentially revolutionize industries such as education or healthcare. The future of mobile applications looks bright as developers continue to push boundaries and find innovative ways to meet consumer needs. AR and VR technologies will revolutionize mobile applications by creating immersive and interactive experiences. Businesses can leverage AR/VR to enhance product demonstrations, training programs, virtual tours, and even customer support.



Having a mobile application is crucial for businesses in today’s world. The future of mobile applications for businesses is expected to be highly promising and transformative. It not only provides a better user experience but also helps in increasing brand loyalty and revenue. With the process of creating mobile applications becoming easier and more affordable, there’s no reason why your business shouldn’t have one. Moreover, with the rise in third-party integrations like payment gateways, social media platforms, and analytics tools, businesses can now offer their customers an all-in-one solution within their app. This means that users don’t have to switch between different apps to get things done.

It’s essential to understand that mobile applications are here to stay as they continue to evolve into something much more than just another marketing tool. Businesses that embrace this technology will reap its benefits while those who ignore it may end up being left behind by their competitors.

So if you’re looking for ways to take your business to the next level or want to stay ahead of the competition, then investing in a mobile application is definitely worth considering! We at Xorlogics can help you with that!

Security Tips for Remote and Mobile Working

Security tips for remote working

Mobile security plays a big role in staying safe as many companies want to enable their employees to work securely on smartphones or tablets while they are on the road or away from the office – but they often fail due to IT security requirements. In order to achieve the highest possible security and data protection, companies must implement organizational and technical measures, to protect corporate data and systems.


Here below is a list of a few tips that can help employees to protect their organization’s security:


    • Free Public WiFi: Working on free WiFi can be attempting for employees who pay for their own data plans. They must be aware that these networks are not secure enough to use when logging into secure systems or transmitting sensitive information (customer data, credit card numbers, etc.). They must access companies’ data via their secure connection at home or enable their 4G for secure connectivity when they are on travel.

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    • VPN: companies that have employees using remote access applications, should use a VPN. With its help, employees can get a flexible connection on different online services and protect the traffic. VPNs allow the creation of a secure tunnel by means of data encryption during the connection. And as it grants access to all work applications and information employees haves feeling of working from the office.


    • Password management: When it comes to password management, employees use to take it very light. A good password management is the key to remote working security. Access to the applications containing crucial business and customer’s data must be protected with a strong password that contains at least eight characters, among which there must be capitals, low case letters, numbers, and special characters.


    • Two-Factor Authentication: Two-factor authentication is also considered for password protection. It adds an additional layer of security to the authentication process and makes it harder for attackers to gain access to employees’ devices or online accounts. It’s used to limit and control unwanted access to sensitive data.


    • Remote Access Applications: organizations must define which applications and data employees can use with their mobile devices, email programs including calendars and contacts, a browser, a document repository, and product and pricing databases.


    • Data Encryption: Protecting organizations’ and customers’ personal data is vitally important to the success of any organization. Encrypting that data with one of the best practices to be on the safe side. In the case of remote working, sending emails with sensitive data represents a huge risk. It could be intercepted or seen by a third party. If you encrypt the data attached to an email, it will prevent an unintended recipient from viewing the information. Also, be sure your device is set to have all stored data encrypted in the case of theft.


    • GDPR: As GDPR requires companies to have a 180-degree overview of the existing data, they must make data roadmaps with information such as, where the data is located, who is using the data – and is that data is being used in office equipment or remote devices.


    • Physical security: Employees must pay extra attention to their devices or files that contains companies’ important data once it’s out of the office perimeter and it’s not in use. Devices with important data in it, must not be left unsecured and unattended in any circumstance.


Remote employment is becoming more and more famous thanks to the advanced technologies and the flexibility it offers. Business must give extra attention to the security issues that can come along with the deployment of remote work. They must work on strategies that protect employees and business against cybercrime and offers a safe remote workplace.

Mobile Payments Acceptance in Belgium

Mobile Payments Acceptance in Belgium


Mobile payments are transforming the payments industry, versatile innovations in this technology and payment methods are taking customers into a cashless world. These services are offering the possibility for non-banking actors to enter the market. To grasp this test and embrace this challenge, banks, traditional payments market players, are compelled to launch mobile payments.


A survey conducted by PWC on Mobile Payment 2019 that analyses customer acceptance of mobile payment in Belgium shows that Belgians are using frequently mobile payment with 47% current usage rate and it’s expected to increase by 68% by 2025.


The survey reveals that 47% of Belgians use Mobile Payment via smartphone or tablet. In Belgium, the leading payment method is cash, with 98%. Respondents gives second place to the online payment, with an 83% preference rate. In five years’, time, Mobile Payment is likely to reach a complementary position by attaining a 68% usage rate, rather than replacing traditional methods. Though it would follow that mobile payment users willing to make the digital jump would want to ditch their wallets entirely, that’s not exactly the case. The survey shows that the preference for cash and EC card payment methods is still expected to be over 90%. It tends to be presumed that individuals in Belgium stay wary about biometric and automated payment methods.


When it comes to advantages related to mobile payments, among the respondents, 71% consider that Mobile payments makes buying and paying less complicates, 63% are satisfied to be able to check transactions and movements of money on their mobile and 54% are happy about not carrying the burden and risk of having cash.


80% of respondents showed their worry in case their mobile might be stolen and misused for mobile payments and 47% thinks that mobile payments encourage to buy more.

Whether Google Pay, Apple Pay or pay by mobile bill, mobile payment is more relevant than ever. Many vendors are joining the hype about paying with your smartphone. But although mobile payment is spreading rapidly, many customers are still skeptical and wary about the trend. Here below are most common myths of mobile payments.


  • Mobile Payment is a new Technology

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Mobile payment is well known, not as an advanced development of PayPal, Apple or Google pay. The innovation has been around for over ten years through the form of paying via mobile phone bill. Here you only need a contract based or a prepaid cell phone. A bank account, Paypal account or a credit card are therefore not a requirement for mobile payment.  So, customers may choose whether to make their purchase by credit card, direct debit or simply by mobile phone bill.


  • Online payments will bring offline payments to an end

The trend of online payments is growing very fast but regardless of the popularity and growth of online payments, they will never replace the good old cash.


  • If my mobile might be stolen it can be misused to make Mobile Payments

This is one of the most across the board explanations concerning mobile payment. Since the start of 2017, all Clean Market Initiative mobile operators and administrators have shut these potential security holes through the redirect process. When a customer wish to purchase from a third-party provider via his phone bill, he is redirected to the service-independent page. There they have to confirm the payment by clicking or with a tan that is given to them by SMS, only. If the customer confirms the payment, they will receive a confirmation SMS after the transaction. The key safety factor here is that the customer is again explicitly pointed to the displayed offer and asked if he really wants to pay. Through the redirect process, paying by mobile bill has become secure and transparent.


  • There is no safe protection against misuse of payment by mobile account

A third-party block can be used to prevent unwanted third-party services that are purchased by mobile phone and billed via mobile phone bill. The same applies in the case also for services, which might be used. Thus, no money can be obtained without the consent of the customer, for example by an unwanted subscription, via the mobile phone bill. This lock can easily be set up with the respective mobile service provider. There are also different locking and configuration options that take into account the different usage and consumption behavior of mobile customers. However, after setting up a third-party lock, some comfort must be avoided. For example, it is no longer possible to pay for parking tickets or public transport tickets by mobile phone bill. Even purchases in the App Store, Google PlayStore, Spotify or Apple Music are then no longer possible on mobile bill.


  • Mobile payments can be used only for digital goods purchase

Mobile Payment is versatile, both online and offline. The payment method “Number simply by mobile phone bill” allows for the purchase of digital goods, for example, the purchase of parking tickets, public transport tickets and stamps.



Mobile Payment is a cutting edge, forward-looking and secure approach to pay with your smartphone. Ease and speed of payment seem to be the main advantages of Mobile Payment. Specifically, paying by mobile phone bill brings additional benefits in terms of security, since neither bank nor credit card information must be deposited.



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